One 》 Moving day (Celeo Ember)

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As the last moving truck left I knew there was no chance to change my mind and move back. I was officially a resident of a shitty little town in the middle of nowhere. 

I was even more in the middle of nowhere because I had chosen a house on one mile of forest property.

I hadn't don't this just to keep my self-safe but my young cub too. Zekial or Zee was only six months old. He was the result of a relationship with another shifter.

Things went bad when his mate showed up. I did the adult thing and moved halfway around the country.

I was a big decision but it was what had to be done. My parents weren't very pleased to find out three days before I moved that I was moving.

They weren't pleased to find out about Zee either. I hadn't told them about Zee,  I didn't tell them for the simple fact that Zee wasn't a child of my mate and my parents would accept him as their grandchild.

Zee let out a whine and I picked him up out of his car seat. His pretty little green eyes opened and he made all sorts of noises at me.

His little hands bunched into fists and I knew he was about to let out an angry squeal for food.

"Give momma a minute okay little cub."

I rocked him in my arms and looked for the baby bag. Thank goodness one of the movers had set it on the counter out of the way.

I opened the bag and pulled out a bottle. I poured the milk into a cup I packed in the bag and put it in the microwave.

As soon as the microwave let out its beeps, Zee squealed. I pulled the cup out of the microwave and dropped it.

I wanted to cry, figures that the only bottle of pumped would end up on the floor.

I couldn't feed him from my milk unless I was in tiger form, okay that wasn't actually the case, I could feed him in human form but It was weird.

As a grown male I didn't like to walk around with Zee attached to my nipple and a feeding blanket over my shoulder. It was just weird.

Zee squealed his head off. I walked to his car seat and set him in it so I could slip my shirt off.

Zee attached to my nipple before I could even get him covered with the blanket.


After Zee feed, I laid him in his car seat and got to work on putting stuff away. I knew Zee would have to be fed again soon.

I had managed to get my bedroom all set up and Zee's crib up in my bedroom. When I was in the middle of putting Zee's clothing in his dresser the doorbell rang and Zee let started to cry.

I ran and tried to make it to the door but the stairs got in my way and I fell down the ten stairs.

Anyone who said cats away land of their feet was a complete more bullshit.

I groaned and got off the floor and walked to the door. When I opened the door the scent of other shifter hit me like a brick wall.

"Excuse me, we are sorry to bother you, we smelt you were a shifter and we have Alphas orders to make sure you aren't a danger to our pack."

Zee squealed and squealed. The Wolf raised his eyebrow at me.

"Come in...."

I really didn't want them in my home but I had to deal with Zee before he lost his voice from squealing.

I picked him up from his car seat and covered him with a blanket and slipped a soother in his mouth to keep him calm for a bit.

Four male wolves stood in my living room. They hadn't moved.

"I take its just you, your child and his father here." The Wolf said.

Well if that didn't hit me like a ton of bricks...

"No, it's just my child and myself. His father is back with his mate."

I felt all their eyes on me. Mates were extremely sacred to wolves so I knew they were judging me.


The wolves left after they got the information they wanted.

I fed zee and put him in his crib. He went to sleep almost right away. I yawned and knew I would get very much sleep tonight, just like every night.

The bed felt too empty without Zee's father. He had been a big part of my life. I had given him cub. I felt terrible for how I freaked out on him after he told me he found his mate.

He allowed me to stay in our home until I found a place and he was there the whole way to help. He promised me we would still be friends and pride members.

I knew it hurt him to watch his son leave. His mate soothed him the whole time I packed the last of our son's things.

It hurt me to watch him kiss his son like he would never see him again.

His mate had told me I needed to move far away. He didn't want me or my child anywhere around his mate. I did as he asked and found a place far away from them.

I wasn't sure if I was going to regret this later or if this was a good thing but it had happened and there was no way I could go back now.

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