Five 》Nope , Nope and Uh Nope. (Celeo Ember)

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I went completely still as his hands traveled around my body. He might be my mate but I was one hundred percent not comfortable with him touching me in a sexual way.

" Nope nope nope"

I pulled his hands from my bottoms and stepped away from him.

" Look I know for you wolves you mate as soon as you find your mates, but I'm not ready for that okay. You will have to be patient with me."

He nodded.

" Thank you"

I brought his forehead to mine and stayed like that for a while. It was a sign of respect in my pride. Mates that were not mated but together did that as a sign of love.

His wolf was probably nagging him to mate with me and such. But  Tiger shifters just didn't find there mate and get mated. We allowed time to pass to know our mates.


Once I was completely dressed I went downstairs. The alpha was in my kitchen with breakfast made and plated.

I was supremely surprised by his ability to cook. I for sure thought he wouldn't know how. It was indeed a comforting shock.

He handed me a plate just piled with food. Was he honestly serious, I couldn't eat all this food. I would die.

I sat down at the island and he stood across from me.

" You can sit you know, I don't bite."

He smiled and spoke.

" I would sit but then I would want to feed you and I don't wish to make you anymore uncomfortable with my actions."

My brain registered what he said and a blush crawled up my neck and face.

" I think I would like that...." I mumbled softly, slightly nervous.

He walked around the island slowly and sat on the stool nest to me. His hand brushed over mine gently as he took the fork from my finger.

He used the fork and picked up a peice potatoe and a bit of egg. It was steaming hot, he blew on it and touched the fork to my lips.

I opened them and wrapped my lips around the fork pulling off the delicious food. Damn this male could cook.

I let out a light growl when he was taking to much time to get the next bite, call me an impatient cat.

He chuckled softly as he fed me the next bite. I reached down and grabbed his fork and picked up some of the amazing breakfast.

I felt guilty that he wasn't eating as well. 

I stuck the fork to his lips and he parted them. I watched as his lips curled around the fork. It was a completely normal action but to my brain it was the most godly thing we had seen.

I shifted my hips and tried to will away my boner but I knew it was going nowhere.


The rest of breakfast went over without any problems. I fed him a bite he fed me a bite. It was enjoyable.

He had to leave not long after because he had things he had to do for the pack. He kissed my forehead and told me he would be back later when he had a moment.

All fat and full I stretched out on the couch. Zee was in the swing  beside me snoozing. I would say it was a few to have a few moments nap. As dreams flooded into my head I realised they were filthy.

Abebrem's hand danced down my naked body softly. His fingers a work of art as they pinched my swollen erect nipples.

I watched as his head lowered and his eyes locked with mine as he took one of my nipple between his lips.

"Mmm you taste so sweet"

His head rasied milk droplets on his lips. I watched as his tounge darted out and licked his lips clean.

He didn't stop there, he moved lower on my body planting kisses and hickies on places to he thought needed them.

His face came level with my crotch and he drew in a sharp breath. His tounge flicked out and he swept his tounge over the slit of my member.

His mouth slowly opening to wrap around my------

My eyes shot open as I felt someone shake me awake.

The beta stood there scratching the back of his neck.

" I'm sorry for intruding on whatever great sexual fantasy you were moaning about but I wanted to see if I could have zee for a few hours. "

"Sure, I'm sure he would like that.  He likes you, you can see it in his eyes. "

" I'm sorry for waking you, I just figured you would be much more comfortable knowing I told you I had him."

"Mhmm, thank you. "

With that I watched and helped a  little bit to pack the baby bag for him. He was gone not much long after that.

I sat up and watched TV.

My cellphone buzzed with an incoming call.

Zee's Father.

I reacted over and grabbed my phone sliding my finger across the screen to answer the call.

" Hello..."

" Hey Celeo, how are things now? Better I'm hoping?"

" Yes things are better, the Alpha accepted zee."

"I'm glad, I actually called to talk about Zee."

" Uh huh, continue."

" I wanted to know if I could have him for the summer months."

I felt stomach acid rise up my throat. It was like I couldn't find the words at all.

" Celeo I know your thinking no, but he is my son too damn it, I deserve to see my only cub before I can't because I have my set of cubs here in next few months."

"Excuse me... did you just say you only want to see our son until you can't because you will be to busy with other cubs, you are his father yes but your words disgust me."

"Celeo I didn't mean it like that you know-----"

" No I don't know anything, what I do know is that your mate made me go halfway across the country because of his fear of us happening again, what I know is that your asking to take my cub, my only family. Well the answer is no, enjoy your new family. "

I hung the phone up in anger. How dare he.

Where does he get off on making me completely miserable. I threw my phone at the door just as it opened.

Abebrem managed to grab it before it cracked him in the head.

" That's quite the hello."

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