Eight 》 Oh My Ass. (Celeo Ember)

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I knew it was going to hurt when I woke up,but to what degree to pain would be I didn't know. My back was stiff and my legs and arms felt like I had run a mile backwards.

Regardless, it was bonding moment between the two of us.

Abebrem was still fast asleep beside me though from the looks of the playpen in the room with a sleeping zee in it, he had been awake and moving.

I stretched and groaned when pain blossomed in my tailbone. I was in the process of wiggling deeper into Abebrem's side when he woke up.

"Good evening kitten, how did you sleep."

"Fine. My tailbone feels like I had rough sex with a dump truck."

" Really, that's the first time anyone's compared me to a dump truck after sex."

The statement itself seemed harmless but my tiger bristled at the thought of him taking others the way he took me.

" Celeo, whats wrong, your mood just changed drastically."

I grabbed the pillow and put it over my head. I didn't want to tell him I was jealous over his pervious sexual life.

" kitten, you do realize I can feel the jealously radiating off you from here..."

I pulled the pillow off my face and looked at him. One of his eyebrows was up and he was smirking at me.

"So what" I mumbled.

Zee started to scream and throw himself around in the playpen. I'd never seen him act like that before. I watched as Abebrem got out of the bed and walked to the playpen. Zee hushed up the moment Abebrem pulled him against his chest.

Abebrem walked around the bed and passed zee to me. Zee let out a giggle and smiled at me. I laid him on the bed and tickled his belly. He kicked his this little pajama footed feet all around.

My belly growled in protest of the last time I had put anything of food substance in it.

"I'll go get you dinner, did you need anything else kitten?"

"An assload of pain killers would be nice, please."

"Got it, food and two pain killers. "


When Abebrem came back with a tray I was feeding Zee. I didn't bother to cover myself because as of now he had seen all of what I had to offer.

Zee was the most energetic I had ever seen him. He was wiggling around and making noises all the while he was feeding.

When he finished feeding I laid zee on the other side of the bed and took the tray. Abebrem moved around the bed and sat at the end in front of Zee.

Abebrem bent down and blew on Zee's belly making him go still and the giggle the loudest I ever heard.

All the while I ate I watched the two of them play. It was honestly so adorable to watch a big bad alpha get down on my cub level and play with him. It was like my own pride had been boosted by my mate accepting a child that was not his.

Though I had eaten all the food that Abebrem brought me or didn't seem like I had eaten a thing, I took the few painkillers and drank the milk down with them.


After what seemed like hours of begging Abebrem to let me go home he did, but I had to have a few guard "dogs" with me.

I honestly detested the fact he had wolves protecting me, but I understood it was because he wanted zekial and I to be safe. But honestly four guards around the house just seemed like over kill. However I was given two was given before. Nick and Raleigh. They smiled and waved. Zee sat in his swing just rocking back and forth quietly well the three of us talked about this, that and everything.

Dark had set in when they asked me to back in the house. To save them the trouble of listened and went back in with Zee.

My belly growled again for more food. Honestly what else could I feed my stomach today. I had ate at Abebrem's and I also ate when I first got home now only an hour later I was starving again.

Honestly if my metabolism wasn't as fast as what it was i was positive I would be as big as a dump truck.

I knew I couldn't have used that much of my energy in that back breaking sex that I had to deplete my entire fridge.


After grabbing zee and feeding him one last time I turned in for the night. The only thought in my head was a dangerous thought, a scary, terrifying..... thought.....

Was I pregnant again..




Okay guys on another note this update was late because my therapy cat suffered a seizure and I had to keep an eye on him. He is much better now and has no ill effects or after effects so I am extremely great full for that.

Anyways enjoy your long awaited update.

Xoxo Ivan.

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