chapter 16:Family Dinner?

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(knock knock)

"Sweetie your home!" Mom opened the door.

"Mom please get the family we need to talk." I said

Then I saw all my siblings and my father sit down in the living room. I began to breath really hard,and my heart raced. How was I supposed to explain this,besides say mom and dad I'm married!?

"As you know,ive been gone for weeks..." I said with a shaky voice. I looked down to see Tristan holding my hand.

"Go on honey." Dad said

"We got married." I blurted

Everyone went silent and everyone looked at each other.

"Your a Luna!" Dad yelled

"Yes...yes I am." I looked up with a small smile.

"TRISTAN BLESS YOUR HEART YOUNG MAN!" Dad screamed and ran to hug him.

My mind was amazed. There I was seeing my family welcome Tristan without any issues.

"Babe let's stay the night,they really missed you and you need to pack anyway." Tristan said rubbing my thigh gently.

"Ok,let's stay for two days."  I said excitedly.

I began to cook dinner,the kitchen had a strong scent at of steak and mash potatoes. Yet something else was on my mind. Why was I so afraid to get marked. All he would have to do is bite between my shoulder and neck and make the purple mark that stays on me and shows that I'm his. My thinking was interrupted by the timer on the oven.

"DINNERS READY!" I shouted

"Anna this food smells amazing." Nate said

"Thank your Lil bro." I smiled,gosh I missed my family.

After awhile of fun bored games,and family bonding,I got ready for bed. I was used to changing in front of Tristan, ever since the day I was completely naked by accident. I put on these short black shorts and my red laced bra and crawled into bed. Tristan layed there in his boxers.

"Goodnight baby." I said laying down next to him. All of the sudden I was pulled into a warm embrace.

"I love you baby girl." Tristan said snuggling his face into my neck. I began to feel safe,in his arms. Then I began to fall asleep...and the world began to disappear....
Authors note

Hey everyone its Haley, what a nice and sweet cliff hanger? Am k right? Well a lot is going to happen in the next couple chapters! But warnings will be put up for any not appropriate parts,nothing to bad but this book is for mature audiences.

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