Don't Talk

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I was so angry with Adeline that I decided not to go to work the next day, just in case she showed up. Instead I stayed in bed, with Fish curled up next to me. I guess he sensed I was upset because he didn't leave my side the whole day. I was just in and out of sleep that day, and frankly I didn't really care. I felt so hurt and betrayed that Adeline hadn't told me about this before. I could have been there for her, I could have helped her, but no she shut me out and refused me entirely. I let her into my home, I treated her like I've never treated anyone else before, and she just kept this huge part of herself from me. To be honest I don't even know why I care so much, but honestly I do. I care.

Though after this, I really don't want to, but how do I stop?


I woke up to the chill of the air, and I realized I had fell asleep in the park. I took my IPod out of my pocket to check the time but it was dead. So I had to result to my wrist watch for the time considering it was starting to get dark.

5:33 it read. 5 fucking 33.

Holy Shit, I cant believe I was sleeping out here for so long. I'm surprised no one attacked me, and lucky for me they didn't. I stood up from the tree I was sitting under, wobbling my way back to the main path because my legs fell asleep with me. Looking at my watch again I contemplated what I wanted to do because I didn't want to go home. Instead, I just started walking. I didn't know where I was going. but I was going.


Soon enough I came to the door of somebody's apartment. It took me a moment before I realized it was Emerald's Apartment. I checked my watch again: 6:05.

As far as I knew, Emerald was just beyond that door with her dog, or maybe she wasn't. She could still be at the café, or she could have skipped town.

No she didn't skip town you idiot, why would she do that.

Sighing, I didn't know what to do. Though before I knew it, my hand reached to ring her door bell.

What the FUCK am I doinggg.

I quickly turned on my heel and started to leave the door before, anyone answered the door, but I guess she was faster than I was.

"Adeline?" she said almost in disbelief and shocked, "What are you doing here?" she asked.

And as if it was an instinct, I turned and rushed towards her and kissed her. I felt her body tense but soon enough I felt her body calm. Though she pulled away to speak but I didn't want to hear it.

"What are you-" I really didn't want to hear it. "Don't talk." I firmly stated, cutting her off.

Then I kissed her again. Next thing I knew she was pulling me inside, and all I heard was the door shut.


A/N: There is a separate R rated version on my list of works. if you would like to read the version it is there but for now I would like to keep it clean. Thanks for reading. :)

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