Demi Meets Elizabeth

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Elizabeth's POV

This morning I was woken up extra early. Miss Moze told me that a nice lady wanted to meet me. As usual she will pick one of the others. They always do, first they are so interested in me untill they hear my story then they adopt someone else. I think i'm stuck here. Although I don't really know what really is the outside world. I have never steped out of my old house or 'Miss Moze' Home fot Girls'. I never really know what people talk about.

I saw a car pull over from my bedroom window. A girl came out of it. I've never seen such a pretty gir like her. She looked like Hanna's favorite singer, Hanna is the girl I share the room with. She's 13 and she's the only one that actually talks to me, and sticks up for me. I feel bad about not awnsering her, but she knows what i've gone through.

So she understands me and my "situnuation" or something like that is what she calls it, I don't really know what that word means. Miss Moze called us all down to meet the girl. I didn't want to come but Hanna told me it was ok and that maybe this time I would gat adopted. While the other girls met the girl I sat on my bed while Hanna talked to me.

Demi's POV

I was getting out of my car and i saw a little girl starring me from the big window. She looked about 4 or 5 and she looked so cute. I waved at her and she did the same. I walk to the door of the orphange and was greeted by a young woman in her 20's named Miss Moze but told me to call her Jessica.

All of the girls came down in a line and introduced themselves. Miss Moze counted them"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10...."I looked at her confused because when I called she told me there were 12 girls. She went up stairs and came back carrying a little girl while holding another girls' hand. I kneelled down and said to the little girl."Hi there... I'm Demi" The girl next to her was starstuck. She said"You're DEMI LOVATO" I got up and said"Hi...and what's your name?" She said"I'm Hanna...I'm such a Lovatic" I smiled and said thank you.

I kneelled back down and said"What's your name?" She didn't answer. So I got up and nodded to Jessica. She walked me to her office. Before I shut the door I saw the little girl run upstairs. I shut the door and sat down. Jessica told me "Take a seat Miss Lovato" I asked"Who was the little girl you were carrying?" She awnser while filling some papers"You mean Elizabeth? I don't think you want her?" I asked"Why not?" She took a deep breath and said"She came from a broken home... her mother died in a car accident and her dad...well" I nodded to continue.

She said"Miss Lovato everyone wants to adopt her, but then after they hear her they just run for the hills" I said"I think I can handle it" She sighed and continued"Her dad was an alcoholic. People believe he was a drug dealer, so Elizabeth was taken away. When she was taken away from her dad, he threatened her that if she ever spoke he'd kill her. He tried to run from the police and was shot before he could get away..." I got a chill down my spine and said"I'd like to adopt her" Jessica nodded but warned me"Miss Lovato if you adopt her you will have full custody of her... are you sure you want to go through with this?" I replied"I want her".

Jessica smiled and said"Well then let me give you the papers, you sign them and she's all yours" I asked confused"That's it? Elizabeth doesn't get a say on this?" Jessica awnsered"Elizabeth is in custody of the court" I said"Can I at least ask her first?" Jessica replied"Of take the stairs, down the hall, second door on your left."

I stood up and went upstairs, found her door and knocked. Nothing. I opened it and popped my head to see if she was there. I saw something moving under a blanket. I came in slowly and sat on the floor. I said"Elizabeth?" Her head popped out of the blanket with her face filled with tears.

Without thinking I carried her on my lap, I guess my maturnal intincts is kicking in. I wiped her tears and asked"Elizabeth...would it be okay if you...I mean if I could adopt you?" I saw her thinking and she smiled, and a with a tiny nodd I said "Then let's get you packed up" She got up, toke her small backpack and filled it with her belongings. Just a few outfits, stuffed animals and pictures of her mother. I noticed her grab a blanky from under her pillow.

I carried her down the stairs and all of the girls were shocked except for Hanna, she was happy. I went back to the office while Hanna said goodbye to Elizabeth. After I filled the papers I said"Jessica... do I need to know anything special about her blanket?" Jessica said"I forgot to tell you... that blanket... her mom gave it to her when she was a baby, it's the only thing she has from her other then the pictures. So I think it would be best she keeps it... "

Elizabeth's POV

Hanna said goodbye to me. I was sad that she can't come, but she assured me that she was getting adopted today too. That made me happy for her. She gave me a hug and a picture of her. Then Miss Lovato came out of the office and asked"Ready to go?" I nodded. She picked me up and said bye to Miss Moze. I wad going to miss her, she was really nice to me.

I thought to myself, don't get comfortable, you know this won't last long.

Demi's POV

I carried Elizabeth to my car. Before getting here I bought a car seat and a bag filled with cookies bottles of apple juice. I strapped her in the big car seat and said"There' cookies and apple juice in the bag if you get hungry and if you want you can go to sleep or do whatever you want." She gave me a smile and a tiny nodd. She was so adorable. I got in the car and started ou hour long drive.

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