First Day

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Demi's POV

I woke up this morning with my arms wrapped around Elizabeth. Her head was resting on my chest. I tried not to move much so I wouldn't wake her. I looked at her cute little face. I could not get over how adorable she was.

She had woken up and moved away to give me space but I hugged her close to me. I said"Morning sweetie, are you hungry?" She nodded. I asked"How about some pancakes?" Again a another nod but with a smile. I said"Ok lets go then" After brushing our teeth I carried her down stairs.

I sat her on the counter and ask"Do you wanna help me make the batter?" She nodded. I smiled at her cuteness. Then I got the ingredients. I added the milk, flour, vanilla and Elizabeth added the eggs. Then while I turned on the stove she mixed tha batter up.

In minutes I made us 'Mickey Ears' shaped pancakes. I heard her giggle at the shapes when I poured her some syrup. After breakfast we changed our clothes to take her shopping. I explaind to her"Ok so this is hard to explain since you're too little to understand but.... you know how your friend Hanna likes me so much?" She nodded.

I said"Well I work as a singer.... and people want to know what I'm always up to, so big people with cameras take pictures of you. But they don't hurt you okay" She smilled and nodded. We went out and to our luck there were a few paparazzies outside the gate. I got us in the car and drove off.

Elizabeth's POV

Demi was telling me about people that takes pictures of us. She told me that she would protect me and that no one was going to hurt me. I loved when Demi made me feel safe. There was something about her that made me want to always be with her.

This morning when I woke up she was staring at me and brushing my hair with her hand. When I backed away she pulled me into a warm hug. The kind of hugs that mommies gave. And I loved it. After that we went shopping and she bought me a whole bunch of clothes. It was fun.

Demi's POV

We got home from shopping. Elizabeth was almost sleep walking. My poor baby. Since she was exhausted I gave her a warm bath and layed her down in my bed since she still had nightmares when she slept. But I didn't mind. I loved slepping with her next to me. After she fell asleep I went to the living room to get my phone. When I got back she was laying right in the middle of the bed, not leaving me space at all. I just laughed at her cuteness and moved her slightly to her side of the bed. She was so adorable. So sweet, just laying there curled up into a little ball with her light pink blanky. A text message snaped me out of my thoughts.

FROM: Selena

Hey Dems, What happened? I haven't heard from you in like a month... you ok?

I sent her one back laughing.

To: Selena

I'm ok... i've just been busy.

She texed me back saying

From: Selena

Call me right now!

I didn't reply. I walked out of my bedroom putting pillows next to Elizabeth to make sure she doesn't roll out of bed and hurts herself. I got down to the living room and sat on the couch while I dialed Sels phone number. She finally awnsered.

~~~~ Conversation~~~~

Sel: "Demi... what's going on?"

Demi: "Nothing"

Sel: "Come one... who do you think you're talking to? I haven't heard from you in... what?... a month? Then when I finally hear from you, you say you've been busy?.... Seriously what's going on?...

Demi: ....nothing...

Sel:"What is it?"

Demi: "Sel... I really wish I could tell you... but I really can't..... I... I have to go...bye."


~~~~Conversation Ended~~~~

I hung up on Selena. I really wanted to tell her about Elizabeth but... I put Elizabeth first before everything. I couldn't tell anyone about Elizabeth without her knowing first. I didn't want to push it to much or make her uncomfortable.

I went back upstairs and layed down next to Elizabeth, wrapping my arms around her. I guess she felt me and snuggled closer to me. I kissed her head and fell asleep. Before my eyes shut. I whispered 'My babygirl. My daughter. You'll always be first the everything in my life. I'll always protect you. I'll always love you.... Forever.'

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