Here We Go Again

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Demi's POV

I finally woke up. As soon as I opened my eyes I was my little girl sleeping. She was sucking her thumb. She finally looked like a four year old. I got up to use the bathroom and layed back down on my bed. I checked my phone and I had a message from Joe.


Hey Dems, call me as soon as you can. Hope you slept ok last night. Love you, princess.

Weird. He has never called me princess. I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up. He awnsered"Hello?" I smilled at the sound of his voice. He still sounded kind of tired, I asked"Sorry if I woke you.. I just got your text." He chuckled"Nah... you didn't wake me, I've been up since 3am." I ask"Why...are you ok?" He replied"Yeah... I just couldn't sleep last night. I was thinking about you too much I guess" I couldn't help but smile and blush.

I said"You say the sweetest thing..... so what's up?" He said"I was wondering if you wanted to go to lunch with me?" I smiled and said"Sure..." He said exited"Great... can you bring Elizabeth, I really wanna see her" I was surprised. Joe wanted to see Eli... I mean not that I don't want him to. I said"Yeah sure" He laughed"Great I'll pick you up at noon?" I replied"Ok...great" He said" Bye". I said"Bye..." I can't wait to see Joe again. It's around 7:00 am. Crap. Five more hours untill I get to see him again. I started thinking about our old relationship. A moment later I fell asleep.

I woke up to Elizabeth making fish faces with my cheeks. I giggled at her. I said"Hey baby, you slept ok?" She said in her cute baby voice"Yeah... Mommy...d-id you ha-have fun with Joey?" I smiled and awnsered"Yeah... we had a bunch of fun, but.... I missed my princess too much" I carried her and sat her on my lap. She replied playing with my hands"I mis-sed you too mom-mommy" Elizabeth had a little stuttering problem.

But I talked to her psicologist and she said it will go away in a few weeks. Eli just needed to get used to speaking. I really didn't care about the stuttering, it made her even cutter. But I was worried of what other people might think of it... and her. Soon everyone is gonna have to know. I just hope my Lovatics will accept her. I bet they will, they know she makes me so happy. I said"Eli... Joe asked me if we could join him for lunch... he really wants to see you" Eli started jumping with excitement and screatched"Yay we're gonna s-see Joey!" I giggled at her awnser. Maybe this will work. Maybe Joe and I have a future. As long as he loves my Elizabeth, and me, thinks could turn out perfect.

Me and Eli went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. It was only 8:30am. Why is this day so long? I served myself and Eli cereal. We had Rice Krispy's. Elizabeth wanted to pour the milk. He made a little mess, but as the old qoute says: There is no need to cry over spilt milk. Elizabeth looked scared. She whispered"S-sorry Mo-mmy" I smiled and said"It's ok babe... I can clean it up". I cleaned up the mess and we started eating our cereal.

When we we're done we went to watch cartoons. Elizabeth loves to watch Sesame Street. When it was 11:00am, we went upstairs to get ready. I wore some skinny jeans with a red tank top and a black leather jacket, and burshed my blonde hair in a ponytail. Elizabeth wore a hot pink, music sheet designed dress, with white shoes. And her beautifull hair down. She asked me to curl her hair at the ends. She got the idea because she was looking through my old pictures.

Finally, Joe got here right on time. I opened the front door for him, he came in and gave me a big hug. I kissed him on the cheek... just to keep it G rated, since Elizabeth's staring. Elizabeth cheerfully yelled"Joey!!!" ran over to him. Joe quickly kneeled down to hug her. I smiled at the sight of them hugging. Maybe one day Joe will be Eli's father. Dang it, Demi, stop day dreaming, I thought to myself. Joe smiled and said"Hey there squirt, you missed me?" Eli giggled and nodded. Joe stood up and asked with smiling at me"Are we good to go?" I smiled back"Yeah... We're ready".

I picked up Elizabeth and locked the front door. We went over to Joe's car. I forgot. I said worried"Wait... Why don't we take my car, Eli's car seat is there" Joe agreed. We buckled Elizabeth in the car and we got in. Joey, started the engine and we drove off. We decided to go eat at Denny's. When we got there a waitress gave us a booth at the back of the restaurant.

We sat and she left to give us a minute to decide on our order. I was looking at my menu, when I decided to look over at Joe. I caught him staring at me. The second I caught him he blushed and looked at his menu. Elizabeth ordered the Mac and Cheese, apple juice with a Chocolate pudding for dessert. Joe ordered a HUGE hamburger and a Coke. And I ordered a turkey sandwich with a Diet Pepsi.

When the waitress came to take our order, I found her checking out Joe. Joe looked uncomfortable with the girl staring at him. Then she looked at me, I gave her a dirty look and said"Back off... he's with me" He looked furious, she turned around and stomped away. Joe bursted into laughter and said"Wow, Demi I didn't know you were that sassy" I smiled at him. Then I looked over at Eli. She asked"Mamma... wa-nna c-colour with me?" I smiled"I'd love to" I grabbed a green crayon and started colouring the leaves of a tree. I noticed Joe looking at me. I asked"What?" He smiled"You're a great mother" I smiled and replied"You think so?" He crossed his arms on his chest and chuckled"I think Eli is the judge of that.... what do you think Eli... is Demi the best mom in the whole world?" I looked over at Eli, she said"No... she's the b-bestest mom in the wh-whole world!" I said"Thanks babygirl". Finally our food came.

After we ate we ordered dessert. Eli had the chocolate pudding and Joe hsred a brownie sunday with me. After we were done we went back home. I invited Joe to stay a while. Once we got there I went upstair to put Elizabeth down for her nap. She gave Joe a hug and kiss then went upstairs to my room and fell asleep. I went back downstairs to the living room and sat down close to Joe. He said"So..." I looked down at my hands, playing with my fingers... silence.

Joe asked"You ok?" I looked at him and smiled"Yeah, never better" He smilled back. He got closer to me. He slowly leaned in and our lips connected. Our little innocent kiss turned into a heated make out session. Thank God Elizabth is upstairs sleeping. I pulled away from Joe. I shoke my head and said"I can't do this" He asked"Do what?" I sighed"Joe... I love you, I really do, but... I first need to deal with Eli first.

She is first in everything I do.... I need to figure out how I'm gonna tell everyone about her... I just don't think it's fair for you to be tied up with me because of Elizabeth" Joe looked at my eyes and said"Demi... I love you, and I love Elizabeth... I don't care what I have to do, but I just wanna be with you... the both of you...please just give me a chance?" I thought for a momment. I sighed and replied smilling "Okay... but only because I love you" He smilled and leaned in and reconnected our lips. A momment later Eli caught us kissing. She went down the stairs so me and Joe quickly pulled away. She started giggling. I got up, ran over to her, then carried her to the couch. Joe and I started tickling her, and she bursted into laughter. Joe was so sweet when it comes to Elizabeth.....

Author's Note

Hey guys, so I wanted to say, that you may want to re-read the story, since I changed most of it. I know, I know you guys hate me for that, but to me it sounded better that way. There is alot more comming in this book, so stick around. I know I haven't updated in so long but I don't have internet, so whenever I can I steal from anywhere. So keep you eyes open. Thank you so much for the reads and vote. Feel free to inbox or comment ideas.

Love you guys,


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