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Demi's POV

Once I was downstairs I was attacked by Maddie. She hugged me untill I fell down giggling. Mom came and helped me up showering me with hugs and kisses. After reaking free from my mom's hug Dad and Maddie gave me a hug. "Demi we missed you. How's Elizabeth?" "I missed you guys too, Liz is fine."

After hours of explaining everything there is to know about Eli, we heard tiny footsteps. Then someone wrapped their tiny arms around me. I looked down to Elizabeth to see her small tired eyes looking up at me. I carried her in my arms and took her to the couch where my family was sitting. "Babygirl, this is Grandma and Grandpa, and Aunt Maddie and Dallas." She waved shily trying to hide. "It's okay, babygirl.... we're your family." Mom said as she slowly reached to carry her.

Eli quickly cuddled up to mom then dad. "Mama can I please have something to eat?" "Of course, babe." I got up to the fridge and brought her a pear and a juice box. "Snack on this while dinner's ready." I sat back down after handing her, her snack. I started playing with her light brown locks as she ate. "Are you coming to watch the show, or are you staying with Grandma and Grandpa?" I asked looking at Mom. "Can I s-stay with Grand-ma and Grandpa?" Eli asked before bitting the pear. "Sure, babygirl." Mom smile widely then gave me a questioned look. "Eli... why don't you go upstairs and play with Mddie and Dallas?" "Okay, mama."

Dallas grabbed Eli from my lap and carried her upstairs. As soon as they were out of sight mom asked "Why does she stutter? Is she nervious?" "No,no It's just, she has a small stuttering problem. It'll go away once she keeps speaking." "Oh... right. What kind of animal threatens his own daughter?" She sneared thinking of Elizabeth's father. "Yeah... well, no she's in good hands, momma. Don't worry...."

Mom smiled at me. "I know baby... you're an excelent mom.... not as good as me, but..." I bursted out laughing at mom's side comment. "Momma.... I think Elizabeth's bipolar." "What? how do you know?"

"Well... it's actually a long story..." A tear ran down my cheek. Sobs started escaping as I remembered everything. "I slapped my little babygirl." Mom pulled me into a hug. "Demi... it's alright. Sometimes parents have to punish their children... even if it hurts them." "Momma... I slapped her. She looked at me as if I were a monster. She had packed her bags thinking that I don't want her anymore."

"Shh... it's okay, baby. I know she doesn't hate you... she loves you." I pulled away from my mom's hug, then looked at her. "How do you know?" "Because, the way she looks at you. The way she acts around you... and because I'm your mom. I know things.." I smiled at momma, then gave her a hug, before drying my tears. "Why don't you get ready for the show?" I nodded then went upstairs. "Eli... baby, I'm leaving." I opened the door to Dallas' bedroom. They were playing dolls. I took the opportunity to video at how stupid Dallas looked. They turned to me, then I hid my phone. Eli gave me a hug and kiss goodbye before I left.

I headed to th venue in my car. Once I got there I went across the street to Starbucks for a coffee. I ordered a White Mocca Latte then rushed to the venue. I went up the halls looking for my dressing room. I bumped into something making me spill my coffee all over my shirt. "Shit" I muttered. "Demi I'm so sorry." I heard a guy say. I looked up to see Nick with his shirt soaked in coffee. "Shit, sorry Nick." "Here let me help you." He gave me a napkin he pulled out of his pocket. "Thank you."

What is it with me bumping into hot guys? "You think I'm hot?" he chuckled. "Shit... did I think that out loud?" "Yep..."

Author's Note...

I know it's short, sorry. But I will try to update soon.

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