Goodbye My Love

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Elizabeth's POV

Mommy has been sad. After she picked me up from aunt Selena's house, she hasn't talked to me. I hope I haven't done anything to make her sad. We went to sleep very early. When we woke up e got ready and ate breakfast then we drove to a big building that mommy explained was a studio. We were going to be on T.V. with Ellen. I'm very nervous and exited. I hope they like me. We went to our dressing room to get ready for the show. I was going to ask momma why is she so sad.

Demi's POV

I will admit I'm sort of sad about leaving Joe, especialy after last night. But I guess life goes on.... maybe. As I sat on the couch of my dressing room I felt my eyes water a bit. "No, no tears Demi, don't cry. Be strong, for Elizabeth." I thought. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Elizabeth crawled up on my lap and asked"Mo-mma why you s-sad?".

My heart melted as I heard my baby's voice. "Well... you know we leave tonight in the big plane right?" I asked sobbing. She nodded smiling. "Well... I'm just sad that... we have to leave for a while" I responded in a low shaky voice wiping my tears. "Oh... don't be s-sad momma... I still here" Elizabeth stuttered as she allowed her head on my chest. I smiled at her comment. I sometimes wonder why is she so mature?

I walked out, on to the stage over to Ellen. I gave her a hug as she announced "Ladies and Gentleman everyone the amazing Demi Lovato". I sat on the couch next to Ellen's chair as she said "Well, Demi, It's been a heck of a year for you, hasn't it?" "Yes, it has been Ellen. A great year actually" I replied with my smile. "Well let's see... you released your forth album, you've ben on many episodes of Glee, you've realized a book, you leave for tour nonight.... am I missing something?" Ellen explained to the crowd. "Yes, Ellen, I believe so" I replied. "Oh... how could I forget?" She asked herself sarcasticly. Suddenly the screen behing us turn black then the picture of me and Joe appeared. "Oh... that's right, you and your hot boyfriend Joe Jonas. How's that working out for you?" She asked.

I stuttered "Uhh.... I- It's good". The crowed laughed as Ellen said "Well... I can see that... look at her she turned shy" I laughed at her comment. "Okay... enough humiliation for today... let's change the subject. I hear you have someone backstage... why don't you bring her out?" Ellen asked. I nodded and went back stage. I returned with Elizabeth in my arms.

I sat on the couch with Elizabeth on my lap. "Now, who is this little cutie?" Ellen asked. "I-I'm Elizabeth" Eli awnsered nervously. The crowed Awwed in her cuteness. "Well Dems, would you care to explain about Elizabeth?" Ellen asked smilling. "She is my recently adopted daughter. Her name is Elizabeth Nichole Lovato Hart and she's four years old..." I stated as the proud momma I am. "Well, Elizabeth... how's Demi's job as a mom?" Ellen asked smilling evily. "Demi's the bestest mom ever. Momma m-makes good f-food, especialy w-waffles."

Elizabeth replied giggling. "Really?... so do you know about her and Joe being together?" Ellen asked again staring at my eyes. "Yea... I like Joey, he's alot of fun.... but It's kind of gross when D-Demi and Joey kiss." The crowed bursted with laughter and I blushed in embarasment. "Ok, sweetheart, thank you so much for being on the show, Demi It was great to have you here. That's all the time we have, Goodnight everyone." Ellen announced as she stood up. Me and Elizabeth left the studio after saying goodbye to Ellen.

It was about 10:30pm when we go to the airport. My manager got us a private flight for tonight, so we could board at anytime. Elizabeth was already on the plane asleep, as I said goodbye to Joe. We pulled into a tight hug. I don't want to let go. I want to stay in his arms forever. As I pulled away I pecked his lips then he said "I'll miss you". "I'll miss you too"I replied as a single tear rolled down my cheek. "Look.... I think It's best if we break up.... we can date other people.... and I we ever get the chance, we can get back together" Joe suggested stepping back.

I can't believe what I'm hearing. "What? Joe..." I said but interupted by him. "It's for the best Dems... that way if.. your feelings change, you're free to be with anyone and so do I" He was right. I heard Marrisa behind me, I turned around to see her with Elizabeth. She walked down and asked"Why you sad?" in he baby voice. "We have to say goodbye... and sometimes It's hard to do that" I explain carrying her.

"Then say.... see you later... See Ya Later Joey". Elizabeth gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. "I'll miss you squirt... take care of Demi for me ok princess?" Joe asked her kneeing down. Elizabeth nodded. "Good... now you better go squirt" Eli went back in the plane. I gave Joe one last hug and got on the plane. I leaned my head on the glass of my window seat as the plane took off. With my hand pressed against the glass I cried like a baby. It was official, we broke up. And my heart broke into pieces.

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