Blue Boy?

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your pov

I woke up at 8 am but i never wake up that early unless its on a holiday or something. But this day is not that day Blue Boy was coming over all I know is that he has blue hair and hes a year older then me. Mark didn't tell me much because he wants me to be surprised.

*knock Knock*

"Hey Sam are you ready to pick him up"Mark said in a sing song voice, "ya whatever can you at least tell me his name" I said as im opening my door. Mark looks down "ya...No. I want it to be a supersize" he said, "fine, you ready" I said walking down the steps. "um Sam you know your wearing your pjs, right?" Tyler said getting off the couch. "ughhh, fine ill change" I went up stairs and put on something casual.

I walk back down the steps "okay im ready, but your driving Mark" I said walking out the door and the boys behind me

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I walk back down the steps "okay im ready, but your driving Mark" I said walking out the door and the boys behind me. "fiiiiiine" mark said locking the door behind up "i call shotgun" Tyler said hopping into the front seat "whatever" I scoffed, "you have to sit with Et- Blue Boy" Mark corrected himself "dang you almost said his name and I dont care hes just another guy" I said rolling my eyes as mark pulls out of the drive way. " ya but Tyler and I ship both of you" mark said and looked at me I could feel my face burning WAIT WHAT... I dont know him and I'm blushing I hate when the guys do this to me.

}Time skip to airport cuz i is lazy{

Mark pulled up to the air port and we all hopped out of the car I guess mark saw me a little nervous Im usually not the best talker when it comes to new people "Hey Sam Its gonna be okay hes really kinda nice" Mark said, he always likes to comfort me because I liked him when i first moved in but then he got a girlfriend and bla bla bla he felt bad for me and stuff like that but im so over that. As we wait there we see people coming off the plane then I see a boy with Blue hair and smiling at Mark and Tyler then he looked at me and his face got red. "Is that the Blue Boy?" I asked mark, he looked down at me and smiled "Yes it is, why are you crushing on him already" he teased "shut up Mark" I snapped at him then the Blue Boy went up to Mark and Tyler and said their Hi's.

He came up to me and looked in my eyes and wow his eyes are really cute SAM stop thinking like that you dont know him, "Hi there Im Ethan" The Blue Boy said "H-hi Im Samantha, but um you can call me Sam" I said Oh GOD did I hate talking to people I didn't know. We shook hands and then Mark said "alright! lets get your luggage and head to the car." I took my hand away from Ethan's and agreed.

Once we got his Luggage we head back to the car, of cores i sit in the back with Blue Boy over here sitting next to me and looking at me.Creepy. "Mark turns on the radio and my favoret song is on but I dont want to sing it I just feel annoyed But then Ethan says "OH MY GOD, I love this song turn it up" Mark turns up the music and Tyler starts dancing and Mark its just tapping the steering wheel. Then Ethan starts to sing hes actually pretty good not gonna lie. Ethan stops singing and looks at me "Come on Sam, dance or something" Ethan said I looked at him "okay" I dont know why I was mad but I flicked him off "there I did something".

The song stopped and we were at the house I took the keys from Mark and got out of the car and unlocked the door, went inside and slammed it shut.Then i ran up to my room and just screamed into my pillow .why did I do that, I know I do that stuff when im annoyed but why was I.

+Ethan's pov+

There was a slam from the front door Mark looked at me and said "she's not good with new people she did the Sam thing with Tyler and Amy" we got out of the car and Tyler looked at Marl and said "Amy got it worse tho" I looked at Tyler "what did she do to Amy" I asked "Tyler looked at me and said " Well Sam got cereal and Amy came up to Mark and kissed him and when she walked away she dumed cereal on her head. i felt bad but it was funny and she burned her favoret shirt but now their cool". I look down and said "and I have to share a room with her , I feel safe now". we walked into the house and sat down on the couch Mark looked at me and said "Sam is only doing this Because she likes you Ethan" wow she likes me already That's a good start I thought to myself.

Sam walked down the stairs and she looked amazing she was wearing a really cute close. then she said said "first of all I dont and second Ethan I feel bad for what I did so want me to show you around LA" "sure" I said and jumped up from the couch

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