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As the plane landed I got up and grabbed some luggage, then got off the plane a got a few miss calls from Ethan he left a message. As I was waiting for my luggage I decided to listen to the message:

"Hey Sam its Ethan I wanted to say that I will miss you and I hope we can see each other at vid con in a few months, oh and mark just told me that Tyler is your step brother I was wondering if you could tell me the story if you don't mine I miss your voice call back soon bye Sam".

I would love to tell Ethan my story I'll call him when I get in the uber. As I put my phone in my pocket I saw my luggage do I walked up and grabbed it. Once I sat down on the bench outside I got my phone out of my pocket and got an uber it said they will be here in 15 minutes I guess I can call Ethan now. The phone rang a few times.


"Oh! Hey Sam"

"I'm just calling to say I'm alright and I made it and tell you the story of how Tyler is my step brother or whatever." I laughed a little.

Ethan's pov

"Oh I would love to hear the story"

I was so excited to learn how Sam and Tyler became step brother and sister well I was just excited to hear sams voice again.

"Okay, well it all started 2 years ago I was sitting at home i use to live in New York but I was sitting in the living room in my moms apartment then my mom came running in and ran to her room. Then I walked back there and asked what was happening she looked at me and said get something nice on your going to meet your new step brother then I walked away into my room I just threw on something not to nice just something a little sloppy because I didn't really care.

Then the door bell rung my mom opened the door and let the guy who was now my step father in. I came out of my room with my laptop and laid out on the couch and started to watch YouTube. The guy came in and kneeled down to me and said hello little miss I'm sorry you can't meet Tyler yet he's in California. I then jumped up and said can I go to California I'm tired of living here then my mom said whatever as long as Tyler could take me.

For some reason I just didn't like Tyler when I heard his name, but I went with it I said okay when will he be back his dad looked at me and said Christmas. That was like 4 weeks away so I was like has I get to stay down there for a wile. Then his dad said you can live Down there if you want and stay with Tyler and his room mate. I shrug my shoulders and said okay whatever. I didn't care my mom would never pay attention to me or care what I did so what's wrong with that is like the same thing. So that's how Tyler became my step brother and stuff." She said

There was a pause then I spoke up

"Wait Sam, what happened with your other dad and did Tyler know him."

"Ya Tyler met him like 3 times but the last ti-"

She paused and I heard honking in the back ground

"Hold on Ethan my uber is here Ill call you back in like an hour or so bye"

"Oh okay bye Sam"

And with that the phone hung up

Sams pov

Once I got everything in the Uber the girl drove off to dans house. She asked me a bunch of questions like so what are you doing here?We're are you from?(dan(tdm) is from England if your don't remember from the last chapter). She asked some personal questions that I did not answer because they were a little awkward. It was an hour later that she drop me off at Dan's house she help me get out all my luggage out of the car.

Once she left I knocked on dan's door the door open slowly and there stood a sad Dan he looks like he has been crying for days but it's only been 2 almost 3 days since his girlfriend broke up with him (yes I know it's Dan's wife but in the story it's going to be his girlfriend because I don't want to go through all the divorce stuff and yes I knew her name is Jenna right I know It starts with a J).

Dan let me into his house then showed me the guestroom and help me unpack all my things. We both sat on the couch and started to talk about what happen he said how they gotten a big fight he thought one of the pugs shouldn't be put to sleep because it wasn't right. But his girlfriend thought it was wrong to let the pug live with a dangerous disease. I mean I was on his girlfriend side but it says stupid of how one little thing can change your relationship.

We kept talking until 1 AM we were getting tired and we both went to bed Dan kind a got over her already I explained to him how stupid the fight was and if she broke up with him just for that then he did not deserve her. I set a day and then I will be leaving in two weeks. I was supposed to call Ethan but you know he's probably sleeping I don't know the time it's in California right now but I will call him tomorrow I needed to call Robert now to see if I could stay with him for about three years or so I just need to get away from California I need a long break.

I call Robert it rang a couple times before he picked up and then once he picked up I ask him if I could stay he said it was no problem I haven't seen him in 5 years i miss him so much I can't wait to see him.


Spoiler alert Kinda

Hello I'm hoping your liking the story so far don't worry Sam or technically you would move back to LA in three years I know that's wrong but something happens between you and Ethan!!!!!

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