Suprise party. Part 2

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Mark said "Let's have some fun!"

Everyone walks off doing there own thing I see Tyler getting out the karaoke I start to panic I don't want Ethan to ask if I can sing or something, I see Dan and Phil on their phones laughing like crazy I look over seeing Jack and mark talking to jacks girlfriend. Amy is talking to Shane and Joey. I look over there are a group of girls I go over to talk to them they all look at me and smile Lizzie (LD shadowlady) sits me down and all the girls stare at me then Jen (Gamming with Jen) looks at me and she said the most embarrassing thing ever "so your dating Ethan I see" I start to turn red I look over at Ethan he his pretty cute WIAT WHAT NO he's just a blue boy but he's like a cute angel wait no I look at Jen and yell "NO HES JUST A STUPID BLUE BOY!!!!!"

Everyone is now looking at me my worst fear I see Ethan but he seems to look really up set Ethan walks up the stairs to the guest room witch is now his i run up the stairs then I hear people start talking again. I knocked on Ethan's door and say "can I come in" he opens the door and says " no but you were probably going to come in anyway" . I walk in and close the door behind me and sit next to Ethan on his bed " hey sorry they just freaked me out and Im super sorr-" it's fine I heard I could tell by your voice you were nervous, but I have one question" I look at him " Ya." He looks Down and says "do you like me and be honest I don't care if u don't"

I just stare at him and mubble "yes" he looks up "Really! Wow that's amzing, I mean i like you too but I was going to ask if you also wanted to go to the movies like a date?" I look at him and say "I can't" he looks down but sad "oh okay I mean can we still be friends at least" I look down then get off the bed and walk near the door " Ya, but I'm sorry Tyler will freak if he knows I'm dating you" and with that I walk back down and mark spots me but quickly walk over to Shane who looks alone like always poor Shane I sit beside him and start to talk to him the someone grabs my arm and says "I need her for a few thanks" it's tyler and he looks at me and says "why were you up there so long? Are you dating him? You know your not aloud to date marks editers you know that right. And what happ-" " TYLER STOP, I know your my brother and your looking out for me but I'm 19 now you can't just boss me around I can do what I want your not dad" he looks at me " you think I'm acting like dad?" He sits down and let's go of arm "no your nothing like him" then give him a hug I see Ethan at the steps confused.

Ethan's pov

After Sam walked out of my room I walked out 3 minutes later and I see her talking to Shane, then I see Tyler behind her looking mad and grabs her arm I want to know what's happening but I can't move I'm to nervous what will Tyler do to me then I hear Sam yell Tyler stop the she stars to talk softly again Tyler sits down and Sam hugs him she looks up and sees me and smiles what is happening

Hey guys next one in 2 hrs or less see Ya soon this is my treat for being late

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