Vidcon day 3: MORNING (kinda) FUN, Pt. 1

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(Guess whos back)

Sams Pov

I woke up before Ethan so I grabbed my clothes and went to the bath room. I took a shower and pulled my hair up in a pony tail and I dressed with a wight shirt that had black paint look spots on it (it is a real shirt from forever 21), then jeans, and finely my black converse. Today was a special day, why? Well because today is my first panel but I'm really nervous, I still remember since it was the first day at vidcon when Ethan made me come on stage and introduce me to everyone that was horrifying, but the sad part is, is that they are going on tore and they won't be back but Amy and I will at lest have some girl time. 

(Yes amy still lives with us although she broke up with mark bc she is still are friend okay amy is actually a nice person)

I walked down the steps and no one awake except Amy. The girls always wake up early, I go over To her and sit down beside her. We were talking about what we are doing for are panel, Yes Amy is in the panel with me but its my panel just like the markiplier and friends its marks panel but yet other people are there wit him. The people who are in to is Jack, Mark, Amy, Ethan, Shane (dawson), and me I got to pick 5 people to be inn this panel with me and thats the 5 i have picked.

  All of the sudden we hear foot steps and groggy mark comes down the steps we both stand up; Amy is looking down does she still love Mark? Anyway Mark looks over "Sam you didn't make breakfast' he asked I backed away but bumped into someone. It was G. "Not a good move attack!" Mark yelled Mark tackled Amy (Yes they r still friends sorry) and G tackled me then they started to tickled us and Amy and i were both laughing. 

Ethans pov

I hear laughing coming from down stares so I got a shirt on and walked down. I walked into the living room to see Mark KISSING AMY!?! and sam and G laughing and G'S ARM WARPED AROUND SAM! "WHAT IS HAPPENING" I yell frustrated at my Best fri- no I mean now ex best friend. then G looks at me and Amy and Mark are blushing i told at Amy and Mark to get out for a second. Then G speaks "What do you mean we are just having fun dude" and Sam nodding her head "OOOOH Really, well it looks like your hitting on my girlfriend and Sam your letting him!" I yelled in frustration.  

Sam stood up "What do you mean Ethan..Wait a minute are you envy of G and I, you know G has a girlfriend and second I cant believe you think I would ever date him or anything no offence" She said to me then looked at G to say no offence "non taking" G said and got up and started to talk " I was going to show you for a surprise at vidcon but now you know and Sam and I are really good friends so it fine Ethan just chill".  I looked at them both "Sorry guys I just -ugh , im stupid" then Sam walked closer "Your not stupid Ethan you didn't know" then she kissed me and i kissed back. She smiled into the kiss.

Amys Pov (didn't see that coming did ya)

I was listening to what they were saying while mark was making brekfast then I decied to take a peek Sam and Ethan were kissing...then I saw it G and Sam were holding hands ! maybe Sam Grabbed his hand to pull him off the couch but they forgot to let go.

G's pov

I  looked at Sam's hand and grabbed it OH! why did i just do that she has Ethan ugh! but then she grabbed back.

Sams pov

I kissed Ethan then i felt someone grab my hand but it wasn't Ethan becasue he was cupping my face it was G then I grabbed his hand back and smiled not becasue he grabbed my hand becasue he was probably was letting me know that he liked me or something liked that.   


wow what happend here lol hope you enjoyed good bye

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