Telling Ethan or showing it

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Your pov

I woke up and i remembered to day is the day ya i know Valentines day ya ya , but today is setting up for vidcon and I get to see Ethan and i get to tell him how i feel, i just hope he feels the same way but he did call me cu-. "Of course he likes you Sam" I looked at Robert and got out of my bed and walked closer to him i can so tell he has a crush on me "first what are you talking about, and second how did you hear my thoughts" i said to him. 

"Well first because you were whispering very loudly to yourself, and second remember the first night you came over and i was talking to Ethan on your phone" he said with a smile but i can see the sadness in his eyes that he wanted to be with me i felt bad "Ya i still cant believe you took my phone but what does this have anything to do with how he feels for me" I asked Robert, Robert looked down and said "Well when i was on the phone with him he couldn't stop talking about why he likes you so much".

Roberts Pov ( Bet you didnt see that coming mwahahaha lol)

She looked down "oh" I looked away "yea....Its almost time to leave you should pack up" I said as i was walking out the door. Then I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me back "Thanks Robert" Sam says as she gives me a hug I hug her back "For what" She pulls away but still really close and my hart is betting so fast "for being strong and still remembering after 12th grade" she said the she looks up and i look down at her 

"its no problem, Sam i wa-" then i got cut off by Sam kissing me and I kissed back we pull away and she hugs me again "happy Valentine day Robert" she says as her face is snuggled in my shoulder "h-happy valentines day Sam". We stoped hugging and she took a step back i could feel my face get red but hers was also red then I thought of Ethan "what about Ethan?" I said to her. Her smile diapered and she looked down "ya, Ethan" I walked closer to her she backed up "i-im sorry i got your hopes up I just was really happy" I looked at her "Its fine as long as you know who you like".

Your pov

"its fine as long as you know who you like" Robert said walking out of the room and shutting the door. I thought to myself who do I like I think Ethan ya Ethan. well its time to pack, I pack everything that I brought with me. All my bags were pack and Robert told me it was time for us to leave, so we walked out the doors with about 8 bags most are mine. we got in the car and he stared driving he had the music turned up loud, blasting with his favorite music.  

We got to the air port and we walked over to the desk gave the lady our tickets and she pointed to were we had to next. So we walked over to the meddle detectors and they detected us. once we got threw all that junk we sat down and waited for our plane to arrive. Once the plane arrived we gave another lady our other tickets and got our seat on the plane. Wile the plane was flying (bc thats what they do duhhh) I watched some shows. 

After the plane landed we got off and went right to the bagging area were we get our bags we walked out the doors Ethan and Mark were going to pick me up we stoped walking and I looked at Robert and he looked back "I guess we go our sepret ways now" He said "ya, I guess I mean ill see you tommorow at least" I said "ya, I guess so" he said with a smile we gave each other a hug then let go we were vary close still he leaned in for a kiss goodbye and kissed back.

I heard a honk it was Ethan and Mark, Ethan look upset of what he just saw. i said goodbye to Robert and walked to the car Mark helped put the bags in the back he tells me to stay were I was so I satay he got in the car and locked it and closed all windows he looked like he was trying to talk to Ethan.

Ethan's pov

Mark got in the car YOU KNOW WHAT YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPEN WHEN HE GOT IN THE CAR! Mark looked at me and asked if I was okay I looked at him and threw my hands in the air and said "OH YA IM FIIIINE ITS NOT LIKE ROBERT AND SAM LIKE EACH OTHER AND THEN SEE EACH OTHER TOMORROW THE DAY I WAS GOING TO ASK HER OUT,NOOOOOOOO" Mark looked at me surprised then looks in the mirror at Sam then turned to me.

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