VidCon day 2: Pt.1, Getting Ready

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sorry but this will be a short one thats why its pt. 1 so enjoy 

Sams pov

I woke up and Ethan wasn't there, but I did smell eggs and bacon maybe Marks cooking. I went down stairs to see Ethan cooking so I decided I would scare him. I walked up behind him stealthily then...."BOO!" I said grabbing his shoulders and he jumps. "SAM! you scared me" He said turning back to the eggs. "That was the plan duh" I said and sat at the counter.

 "Sam I thought you were sleeping" he said putting eggs and bacon on a plate. "well you thought wrong" I say as he gets our dishes and sits next to me. While we were eating I realized it was quiet toooo quiet i looked at Ethan "Hey Ethan" he looks at me "yea?" he says his face close to mine "Um..were is everyone" I asked looking at my now empty dish. Ethan takes the plates, "they went out well except for G" He said cleaning "Oh okay, well im gonna get dressed and stuff you should too after your done VidCon is in two hours" I said walking up the siars i herd Ethan quietly say okay mom.

As I picked out some clothes which was:

As I picked out some clothes which was:

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I took it into the bathroom then I took a shower, after that I brushed my teeth, changed into my clothes^, but no makeup I dont like it. (if u wear makeup u can change it but honestly i dont like makeup bc you know girls your pretty just the way u r :) ). Once i was done I went down stairs and sat on the couch waiting for Ethan, then I got a text from...Phil? Wait oh ya we exchanged numbers. 

Phil- hey we are heading to vidcon soon u and Ethan need a ride?

Sam- Um let me ask if he wants to drive there or not

Phil- okay

Sam- He said its fine pick us up whenever!

Phil-Okay! and can u try to cheer up Dan hes been miserable so ya he kinda needs it

Sam-Okay! I would love too!

Phil-Okay! thank you so much!

Sam- no problum

Phil-we just left we will he there in 15!

San- okay! see ya soon!



Ethans pov 

I walked down the stairs to Sam texting I sat next to her she was texting Phil.What! im not a snoop. She looked at me and asked if Dan and Phil can drive us to vidcon and i agreed with it. 15 min. later we herd a honk I text the guys we had a ride and Sam text Amy and Kathryn. We walked out the door and i locked it I herd Chica scratching at the door I felt bad for the puppo. Sam grabbed my hand and we walked to the car I saw Dan in the back he looked upset but I have the same feeling that Sam did when me and Kathryn hang out. 

Sam let go of my hand and went in the back so I guess im in the front with Phil hes pretty cool but I dont know about Dan. Sam looked like she was trying to talk to him but he just kept looking out the window his eyes were red and puffy like he was crying. Phil looked at me and said "can I talk to you when we get to VidCon its important" I looked at him and said "um..sure" Sam kept trying to talk still why is Dan so upset. 

We got to VidCon and Sam and Dan stayed in the car as for Phil he was dragging me by the arm around the building no one was there yet so we were fine Phil then started......................

Sams pov

Ethan and Phil ran off to who knows where but I stayed with Dan and tried to talk to him then I guess the last thing I said got to him i said "What did I do wrong what ever it was I will fix it" He sat up and looked at me his eyes were all red and puffy he was crying he then yelled "OH REALLY! YOU THINK YOU CAN FIX IT THE WELL THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN FIX MY BROKEN HART IS TO.........................


sorry guys Cliff hanger for both i hoped you enjoyed the story so far love you 

all stay cranky bye. (741 words).

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