VidCon day 1

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(OMG guys 100 reads thx so much just to make sure i think theres 3 days of vidcon right....ya i think so enjoy thy story boi)

After we were done helping set up we went to our stand table things idk its my first time at vidcon there were people lined up at the door for about 5 hours. I sat down at my table waiting for them to open the doors. The YouTuber to my left was Ethan and the YouTuber to my right was Dan Howell i love him i think hes the best vlogger right next to Shane Dawson. The doors open and people were already lining up i had a few people again i am not that big of a YouTuber yet but I had about 100 people or more than had a few thousand. I was taking pictures, giving autographs, and answering questions.

I looked over at Dans booth and DAME he had a lot of people, I guess he saw me staring and winked at me. I just looked away who does he think he is just winking at me I have a boyfriend and hes my angel.  A small girl came up to me and asked if I was dating Dan I was about to say no but then i felt an arm wrap around me it was Dan "No, Just good friends right" He said then looked at me and wink STOP WINKING.(if u know were thats from I love u lol)

I looked at him "yea" then Dan walked back to his booth then she asked  me if i was dating anyone I looked over at Ethan and he looked over and smiled I smiled back "yes, I am" she looked over to were i was looking she looked back at me "OMG, your and Ethan are DATING!!" I looked at her and shook my head yes.

She asked for a picture and a hug that was my last person that was a lot of work Ethan had a few people about ten more people then Dan, well Dan still had people coming in line to see him. After Ethan was done he said him, Mark, Felix(pewdiepie), and Sean(Jacksepticeye) had to go do their panel. I said okay and we both went separate ways I wanted to fine Shane, Tyler, or Joey any of them would be fine to hang with i was walking around looking for them when BAM!

I fell fell I then looked up and saw Dan of course "Oh hey sorry about that" he put out his hand to pull me up, I grabbed it "Its fine i wasn't looking to were i was going, i was just looking for someone" I said  "oh no your fine im looking for someone too, so who are u looking for anyway" he asked "Shane I dont know if hes here today" I said "Oh Shane usually comes the 2nd day of vidcon Tyler comes to the first then Joey comes to the 3rd"He said

"Oh okay well who are you looking for" i asked "Oh im just looking for Phil i lost him" he said. "Oh! I love Phil hes amazing, get it" *laughs slightly at own joke* Dan shook his head "wow, I cant believe you thought that was funn-" Dan got cute off by another British voice omg it was Phil hes so sweet. "DAN I WAS LOOKING FOR YOU WERE THE FUC- ohhhh hi there you a fan" so much for being sweet "Kinda, I mean i am but im just here because im a YouTuber also and ya had to see some fans and stuff" I said. 

Phil looked at Dan "oh okay nice to see you, but I need to talk to Dan really quick we will be right back" Phil said "okay" i said. I stood up agents a wall and I see one of Ethan's friend I think his name is G right I dont know worth a shot. "Hey G!" he looked over "Oh, Hi Sam" he walks over to me " so how ya doin' were is Ethan I mean your Boyfriend iv been looking for him"

Dans POV*

"Okay Phil i wont tell her I like her yet Geez" I said the Phil and i were about to walk out when I heard her talking to someone I held phil back "HE-" i cut him off "shhhh" Phil nodded. "So how ya doin' were is Ethan I mean your Boyfriend iv been looking for him"  I hear the male voice say "she has a boyfriend" i whispered to myself. "Oh im good and Ethan went to his panel with Mark, Sean, and Felix." I herd her say "oh okay well here is my number text me when you see him or ill text u when i see him alright" the male voice said  "Okay thanks G" Sam said "bye" he said. Phil and I walked out of the bathroom.

Your pov

Dan and Phil walked out of the bathroom "you guys were in there for a long time" I looked at Dan but he didn't look at me he looked a little annoyed i looked at Phil "hey how about we walk to the back stage of the panel" Phil asked "okay , I need to catch up to someone there anyway, Dan you comin'" he didn't look over but he walked the other way, then Phil and I started to walk

"hey whats up with Dan" i asked Phil "well he heard that you have a boyfriend and he liked you so hes kinda jealous but he will be fine once we get some pancakes" i looked down "oh" i felt bad for Dan "hey, were here, here is my phone number contact me when ever your bored bye" he waved and walked off "bye" i said and opened the doors.

I was back stage and I herd Mark talking "so, Next question is from 'Puppogotstodab94', they asked 'Ethan are you dating anyone and if so who'" I walked to the part of the stage were I could see them I saw Ethan's face turned red I giggle slightly at him. He turned his head and saw me I turned around about to run when he stoped me "hey you, dont you go anywhere"

I turned around and shook my head i had stage fright I couldn't "Its fine come here Sam" I walked out and Ethan grabbed my hand and i sat down in his chair next to 'Jack'. Felix looked at me and said "you must be the famous Sam" I shook my head yes "well Puppogotstodab94 (puppo gots to dab 94) I am dating someone and her name is Sam and shes right here" Ethan said Pointing at me I waved my hand and i looked a Ethan he looked at me "can i go i whispered" he shook his head yes i ran off the stage my hart was beating so fast "sorry guys she has really bad stage fright" Jack said.


The panel was over and i text G were Ethan and I were he came and vidcon was over we went back to our house with Bob, Wade, Tyler, Mark, Jack, Ethan, G, and I in the car we all got out it was late at night G got the couch Wade and bob got the spare bed room. Jack had my Room Mark had his room Tyler had his room and  Ethan and I shared his room we all got ready for bed and slept.


Thanks for 100 reads reds idk but thanks anyway hoped u enjoyed this story byyyyee

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