should I tell Ethan?

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pingu rant^^^^^

(this might be hard for me to wright bc my mom has a Prince song up so loud and I cant think straight and this one is long bc v-day is tomorrow and we need a lovely story tomorrow)

Sams Pov

Once Robert and I got to his house after him ranting about pingu and i told him it should be a YouTube vid and he agreed. he helped with the bags and and unpacking. An hour after all of that we sat on the couch and relaxed he fell asleep so that meant i could watch my shows, I turned on his TV then turned on Netflix and soon as i found my favorite show (mines Yu.Gi.Oh Zaxle , whats yours?) and started to watch it.

I felt someone shake me so I got up and Robert was on the phone my phone i went to grab it but he pushed my hand away and i gave him the death stare i knew he was talking to....Ethan.

Robert: "oh , okay shes awake now....I-Ethan i wont say anything...Ya no problem.. alright here she is bye"

You: *mouth thank you and then rolls eyes jokingly* "Hello?"

Ethan: "SAM! Hey guuuuirl."


Robert: "OMG I KNOW WHAT VIDEO TO DO NOW THANKS GUYS" *runs to recording room*

You: *laughs* "okay Robert! So Ethan.. what were you and Robert talking about"

Ethan: O-OH, Nothing j-just guy s-stuff, hehe"

You: oh, well im sorry i dint finish my story i can finish now if you have time"

Ethan: "Oh, Ya tyler told me everything he was a bad guy aye?"

You: "Ya. can I tell you something"

Ethan: "u-uh ya s-sure"

You: "Ethan i know I'v been gone for a while. But i promise we will see each other at vidcon in 5 months then ill move back in an-"

Some person on other line in whispers give me the phone ethan. no its mine tyler .

Tyler: "Sam I know what i did was wrong i didn't make you to be upset and think you slept with Ethan to be honest i ship you both plz forgive me"

You: "Tyler, okay i forgive you. Now PUT ETHAN BACK ON"

Tyler: " okay, and thanks sam"

Ethan: okay im back sorry what were you saying "

You: "I was saying that i lik-"


Ethan: "let me guess you have to go"

You: ya I do, sorry, we'll talk later alright?

Ethan: "sure, Bye Samantha"

You: B-Bye E-Ethan"


Did he just call me by my full name he sounded upset an- "SAAAAAAM!!"ugh Robert im thinking "coming Robert!" I walked back to his recording room and opened the door. "finlly, okay i just finished the boi video now im doing the pingu rant want to help with my ranting" i looked at him just blankly, then."...........Really?" Robert looked at me confused "what?" he asked "...I was GONNA TELL EATHAN HOW I FELT ABOUT HIM AND I WAS FELLING LIKE THAT WOULD BE A GOOD TIME TO DO IT BEFORE YOU CALLED NE IN HERE AND UHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I screamed "HEY! Chill okay all the people reading this probably think its a good time to say something at vidcon" Robert said "Okay fine" i said grabbing the door handle and walking out "wait, does that mean your not gonna be in the video" I looked at him then slammed the door.

5 mouths later air plane tomorrow

I took a hot shower after that i put on some pajama pants then I gra- "wait is this Ethan 's crank shirt" i whispered to myself. You know what ill wear it. i laid in bed watching some pewdiepie vids (sorry if you dont like him if it makes it better you were watching his old vids) in the middle of watching baby sitter blood bath my phone was ringing from Ethan but it was for Face time. I fixed my hair then answered.


You: "nothin' blue boy, how about you?"

Ethan: just watching...WAIT"

You: "What"

Ethan: "YOUR A THIEF!"

You: "W-What, what do u mean"


You:" Ethan what the hell you scared the shit out of me, i thought i did steal somethig"

Ethan: haha "naw your fine you look cute in it"

You: "t-thanks hehe"

Ethan: "No problem, Sam?

You: "Yea"

Ethan: "I really like really like Y-yummy foods"

You: haha "Really i never knew"

Ethan; "y-yea"

You: "well im tired im gonna head to bed night"

Ethan: "night Sam"


I hung up the turned off my light and went to bed (what the fuck!! you like yummy foods? omgggg!!! What was 15 year old me writing!!)

Ethans POV


"uhhhhhhh" i was so stupid " Ethan why didn't you tell her " I looked over at mark "SHHH Tyler could be around" i said "Ethan he went to bed" mark rolled his eyes and turned the TV on. "I dont know Mark i should head to bed and think about this tomorrow" i said standing up, "wait, Ethan i feel like im forgetting something" i looked at him, then I knew "WE FORGOT TO PICK UP JACK FROM THE AIR PORT!" we said in union. We ran out the door and rushed to the air port wile i text Jack we were on our way there. Tomorrow im seeing Sam i miss her so much.

We saw Jack and he got in Mark looked at him "sorry man Iv been really upset lately of Amy braking up with me" mark said and looking at Jack "Dont worry Mark I know how you feel" Jack said putting his seat belt on (We all know were this is going XD) Mark turned around and stared to drive "You do?" mark asked "Yea my girlfriend broke up with me 3 mouths ago".

I looked at Mark his face was read and and he was smiling *minutes later* We walked into the house mark helping jack with his bags I looked at them "im gonna go to bed night guys" mark looked at me then Jack "were gonna watch a movie, Night Ethan". I went up to bed and shut the lights off the fell asleep.


Hope yall liked see ya tommorow and happy v-day everyone {1041 words}

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