Surprise Party?

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Sams pov

Once we got into my car and started to drive mark texted me "hey Ethan can u see what mark said" Ethan grabbed my phone and he read "hey Sam there's a fair in town ask Ethan if he wants to go" I looked over at Ethan and I looked at him with a boi really u want to go I'm to lazy face then Ethan opened his mouth and said "can we pleasssse go I love fairs they have really good rides" I looked back at the rode and made a left I guess we are going to the fair.

Time skip to fair bc I is lazy

We both got out of the car and Ethan had a big smile on his face and I couldn't help but smile at his amusement of the fair, he looks at me and asks "wanna get on that ride" he points to a ride that looks like a space ship and its spinning. I look at him and say "I don't know Ethan I don't feel like getting on anything crazy right now" he then looks at me and says "fiiiine lets go play some games that I will beat your ass at the we can go on rides" he smiles and starts to walk away. I run up beside him and whisper in his ear "I'm the best at games you wish you could beat me" then I went ahead of him to the first game.

The first game was the water gun thing I don't know what it's called I don't pay attention I just want to have fun we pay for our turn and then the lady at the booth and says "ready get set. Go" and we spray the guns at the target of course I win the lady gives me a little seal toy. Ethan congratulates me and I smile. I see a little girl who was also playing but she was sad that she lost and they started to walk away. I grabed Ethan's hand so he didn't get lost in the crowd and I tapped on the moms shoulder she looked at me and said "yes" I look at her daughter then back up at the mom and said "would your daughter like this I really don't need it anyway" and I smiled handing the toy to the mom. The mom looks at her daughter and says "what do u say" she looks at me and gives me a hug and says "thank you candy" the mom looks at at me funny but I know why she called me candy the daughter asked if She could get a picture and I said yes her mom took a picture the they walked off.

Ethan looked at me "Candy?" He asked I looked at him "Ya that's my YouTube name" he stares at me flabbergasted "You have a YouTube channel what do you do" I look at him then look down and say "I sing" I look back up he still is looking at me then he asked me the worst 5 words ever "can you sing for me. I want to know what you sound like" I look around there's a lot of people and I'm super shy to sing in front of everyone then I see a fares wheel. I look at Ethan how about we go on the fares wheel. He looks at me confused probably because I didn't sing for him and just changed the subject then Ethan gets a text he looks at his phone then puts it away " naw I'm kinda tired can we go home?" I turn and start to walk "sure"

Time skip to house

As I unlock the door and open it I see that all the lights are out I go to turn on the swich and something or someone I should say picked me up as soon as the lights turned on i looked up It was a person with green hair then he puts me down then looks at me. omg its Jack I missed him befor I could say anything everyone jumps out and yells especially Jack "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" I smile and go over and hug mark and say "thank you, I though u forgot" Jack came over I turned super red he knew I had a crush on him after Mark and Amy got together 2 years ago then Jack said "how would he forget your two are like brother and sister" mark laughed and I turned red thinking about how jack picked me up. Mark yelled "let's have some fun."


Sry for the late update part 2 of the party will come out in an hour hope u enjoy

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