VidCon Day 2 Pt.2 Problems

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Whats happening so far....

....Ethans pov

We got to VidCon and Sam and Dan stayed in the car as for Phil he was dragging me by the arm around the building no one was there yet so we were fine Phil then started......................

Sams pov

Ethan and Phil ran off to who knows where but I stayed with Dan and tried to talk to him then I guess the last thing I said got to him i said "What did I do wrong what ever it was I will fix it" He sat up and looked at me his eyes were all red and puffy he was crying he then yelled "OH REALLY! YOU THINK YOU CAN FIX IT THE WELL THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN FIX MY BROKEN HART IS TO.........................

Sams Pov  (NOW)

.......IS TO BRAKE UP WITH THAT BLUE HAIRED PIPSQUEAK YOU ASS" Dan covered his mouth then put his hands to his said and i went to say sorry but I stoped myself why should I be sorry. I raised my hand and slapped him in the face vary hard it left a red mark I felt bad but at the same time, he kinda deserved it. he looked at me "Get out, go with your fuck boy Ethan" Dan hit me on that one, I was getting out of the car then i looked at him before I shut the door and said "Im sorry Dan.." He looked up at me and said "you should be" he shouldn't have said that "Im sorry Dan, for they way you've been acting, you've been acting like a child I'm gonna find my wonderful boyfriend Ethan..GOOD BYE!" I said then slammed the door. then I started to look for Ethan and Phil.

Ethans pov

.....Phil then started "Ethan be careful of Dan I never saw him like this okay dont do things around him with Sam" I nodded he started to walk off but i grabbed his arm, " what should I not do" I asked he looked at me "Dont hold hands, dont kiss, dont hu-" then we heard a slam, I looked at him he looked at the car then let out a breath of relief "It was just Sam, Good" He said "so basically like im not dating her" I said he looked at me "yes now I have to go take Dan home today is not a vidcon day for him". I nodded my head and he walked off giving Sam a hug then pointing at me. Sam then ran over.

Sams Pov

"Hey Ethan, can we go home" I felt a tear roll down my face I just lost a goof and that goof was Dan, Ethan looked at me and wiped the tear "yes, just let me just text Mark" He said and I nodded leaning agents the wall. Once Mark came we hoped in the car and drove off. I ran strait into Tyler's room looking for him. He was on his bed texting someone I ran to him and cried and he put down his phone and hugged me.

"What did Ethan do? I'll beat him up!" I pulled him back and wiped my tears "Its not Ethan its Dan, I-I lost him forever" I said and started to cry  he sat back down and hugged me "its okay Sam Im hear I'll talk to Dan and Phil okay?" I looked at him "Okay" I walked out of the room into Ethan's room because Jack is in there and I laid down and fell asleep.


hi hope u enjoyed thanks for reading boi bye (600 Words)

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