Vidcon day 3 pt. 2 End?

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hey yall thanks for 400 reads thank you sooooo much ik im a bad writer and thanks for baring with me lol enjoyyyy.

I kissed Ethan then i felt someone grab my hand but it wasn't Ethan becasue he was cupping my face it was G then I grabbed his hand back and smiled not becasue he grabbed my hand becasue he was probably was letting me know that he liked me or something liked that.

......your pov....

"Well we should go" Amy said coming out of the kitchen looking sad "hold on we are just driving okay the boys can go in marks car we need to talk okay Amy." I said and she nodded "get in my car" I said and hugged her she was about to cry. We got into the car and I started it "You okay" I asked "no" she said trying not to cry I pulled over as soon as we got away from the boys "Amy let it out" I said hugging her and shes now crying "I-I thought he l-liked me st-still" She sobbed louder "hey hey hey, its okay what did he do Amy" I asked.

She looked at me "Jack came i-in and t-they st-started to ki-kiss" she cried "hey its okay I think Mark is just ....confused..ya know?" She stopped crying "Ya your right" She said wiping her tears "So whats with y-you and Dan la-lately?" she said I looked down then up again driving "uh..I honestly don't know, one second he super hype to meet me, then tells me he loves me in some sort of way, after Ethan and I are dating, and then gets all mad at me " I said a little annoyed with my self.

"Oh" she said "Maybe you should date him he seems nice and puls I could probs get with Phil" She said in a goofy way. "Nah if I were to date Dan 'I' would just go to 'Forever a Dan Howell x reader' fanfic" (Hint hint made a Dan x reader) (hINt HiNt: nO YoU DidNt 15 Year old me) I said "true" Amy said. we were listing to music in the car and singing along to it after the song is over Amy turned down the radio. "Are you sad that Ethan is going on tour" she said "um...ya I am" I said a little sad that he'll be gone for a while " what are you going to do" she asked "Probs make up with Dan or at least try, ya know?" I said "mmhm" she nodded her head.

Once we got to vidcon we got out of the car and I saw Dan and Phil I ran up to them after telling Amy were I was going I touched Dan's shoulder "Hello! I'm a big fan" he stoped "I don't care" He said quietly under his breath "what?" I asked he turned around "I KNEW IT WAS FUCKING YOU GO FUCK OFF AND SUCK A COCK YOU TWAT!" He yelled I teared up "I-i ju-just wanted t-to make th-things right wi-with you D-Dan." I said almost crying and ran into the building.

Dan's pov

"sam is coming" Phil said "good for her" I said someone tapped my shoulder "sam ugh" I rolled my eyes. "Hello! I'm a big fan" she said "I don't care" I said quietly "what?" she said in a scared voice "I KNEW IT WAS FUCKING YOU GO FUCK OFF AND SUCK A COCK YOU TWAT!" (I just had an aneurysm reading that) I yelled she had tears in her eyes I felt bad. "I-i ju-just wanted t-to make th-things right wi-with you D-Dan." then she ran I went after her but Phil stopped me and I shook his hand off my wrist and ran after her. to be honest I really dont like her that much anymore maybe I did need some time away- never mind.

I stopped in my tracks "E-Ethan I-I Try to M-Make ever-everything r-right with h-him but he told me to g-go fuck o-o-off" She stopped and started to cry "Hey hey its okay Sam, trust me" I turned the corner to see them "no no its not okay E-Ethan" she said hugging him. ugh what did I do to her I face palmed "Samantha, Look at me hes not worth it just leave it be okay" I agreed with him as I turned to walk away "D-Dan" I turned around and smiled slightly she started to cry again and ran up to me and hugged me. yup I still have feelings for her ugh.

"im sorry sam" I said she nuzzled closer to my chest "Its fine Dan" I wiped her tears "wanna go meet more fans?" I said and she nodded "sure" she said She cleaned up a little then we walked out for meet and greets. Ethan seemed so chill with it tho "Hurt her again and I hurt you got it" I heard from behind me I looked down "ya, but then why are you letting me hang out with her" He looked down then back up at me again "becasue I hate to see her sad and you made her face light up with joy when you were there so just dont hert her okay" he said and I nodded, and with that he walked away.

Your pov

after the meet and greet Amy and I went home and she went to bed while I was waiting for Ethan. My eyes were getting droopy and sooner or later I fell asleep. I woke up to shaking "wake up sam" I looked to see Ethan "why did't you let me sleep" I said quietly he looked down "Tonight is the last night we sleep together before the tour tomorrow" I got up "okay" and walked up the steps and put on pjs and all that other crap, then laid in bed next to Ethan "night Sam" He said kissing my head "Night Blue boy" and ruffled his hair. That night we slept in each others arms.


Okay guys hoped you enjoyed this thanks for 400 reads and have a good

day bye bye crazy ppl.

(1008 words)

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