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Sams pov

I woke up in my bed- wait this is not my bed its Ethan's wait then we're is he I turned around and saw Ethan I jumped out of the bed wearing his shirt OMG I need to go somewhere Tyler is going to kill me as I said Tyler opened the door he didn't seem upset " hey you okay you had a bad fall " Tyler said I looked at him dumbfounded "what do you mean" I asked,Tyler looked at me and said " you were getting drunk everyone told you to stop and you wouldn't lisen, I came up to you and said you were not allowed to drink because you know your not 21, then everyone left and when you were tying to go up the stairs you fell then you passed out."

I looked at him "then how did I get here" I asked then mark came in and Ethan woke up. mark looked at me with a smirk " you don't remember you and Ethan had you know the bang bang" I looked at Ethan and he looked at mark red and mad "WAIT WHAT WE DID I'm so confused right now" I said and Ethan got out of the bed only with his shorts on and rapped his arm around my waist I now had butterflies.

Ethan looked at me "we didn't Tyler and mark wanted to teach you a lesson on not to drink so Tyler took one of my shirts and put it on you and put you in my bed so that's what happened" I broke away form Ethan and ran to my room I was so frustrated and mad at mark and Tyler... Ethan why did he allow Tyler to do that ugh I'm moving out for awhile I grab a suitcase and put all my things I need just for a month.

I grab my phone off the charger and call Shane, it rings a few times before he answered. "Hello, this is Shane"

"Hey Shane its Sam I have a question"

"Oh hey Sam what's the question"

"Well I was wondering if I could stay at your place for like a month or so"

"Oh Ya no that's fine when will you be coming Sam"

"Now if that's okay"

"That's fine I have nothing really except going to target"

"Alright cool I'll be there in a few bye Shane"

"Okay bye Sam"

Well I guess I'm moving out for awhile to get away from those people. Then I heard a knock on my door and I said "it's always open" Ethan walks into the room and looks at me then comes closer then gives me a hug and says "see Ya In a month" he then stepped back and walked out of the room. I guess I'll miss him.

I snuck out going into the car and put my suitcase in the back and drive away I'm ready to go to Shane's house.

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