Robert already!Dan moved on!WHAT?!

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It was about 2 weeks hanging with Dan he met this girl named Emma (ya ik close to jemma) and I knew it was time for me to move again but the best part is seeing Robert.

time skip to plane and all that junk

story time on the plain

My non step dad was from Canada and once i hit 5 I went into kindergarten and when my parents said their goodbyes I was sad i wanted them to come back. But this one kid came up to me and said hello but in a cute little kid voice we didn't have meany friends well we didn't have any it was just us two. skipping to 8th grade this one girl asked Robert out and said no he was saving for someone else he truly loved he never told me but once we hit 10th grade my parents started to fight. Once my dad got drunk and would try and beat me up by my mom stoped hi every time she decided we had to move I had to say goodbye to my best friend.

oh, my plane is lading at a perfect time wow!

Once i got all my luggage i got a text from Robert its probably a text saying hes gonna be late i pulled out my phone and it read:

RobertIDC(lol)- HEYYYYYY! ITS GRATE TO SEE THE BACK OF YOUR HEAD, but can you turn around and give me a hug:P

I turn around and see....nothing i look around and see Robert behind a lady with the same coat and hair color as me hes about to hug her i want to see were this is going. He hugs the lady and the lady turns around and slaps him and says I HAVE A BOYFRIEND she walked pass me and whispered perv. I never laughed so hard thats my Robert there for ya. My laugh was so loud that he heard me and walked towards me and said nice to see you too and then i gave him a hug and he hugged back. Oh my god you have shrunk Sam you use to be taller then me. I looked at him "HAHAHA vary funny no you just got taller you nerd" i said

He looked at me and said "well this nerd has a home so watch it or ill put you in the worst MOTEL" I looked at him and said "Oh nUUUUU! a MOTEL thats worst then a Hotel" we both laughed He looks down and says "I really missed you Sam, It was different when you left" I looked down also "really? how?" He took his finger and lifted my chin up and he got closer and said "that girl i was waiting for, left and now shes back" then he kissed me, but I didn't kiss back he pulled away I looked at him "Im sorry robert I just, I just dont feel that way i dont know why im sorry" he looked at me "Its fine Sam lets just get this luggage in the trunk.

I dont know why i didnt kiss back maybe i was shocked maybe it was an angel saying no theirs someone else or It was....Ethan.


Hope you enjoyed byeeeee

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