Chapter 5

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"Well!? Are you gonna say anything or just stand there?!" I yelled at her, sounding a bit harsher than I meant to.

"You...ugh! YN, why?! Why would you even begin to think this was a good idea?! Oh wait! You obviously weren't thinking like usual! I was scared and alone YN! I felt the worst I have felt in my entire life. And probably the worst I will ever feel in my life! I thought you were gonna handle all of this well, but obviously I was wrong! You just have to make others feel your pain, don't you?! Was me having to break up with you not enough?!"

"You having to!? Lisa, this whole thing was never about that! I couldn't care any less that you dumped me, because I know now, that I did nothing wrong! It was you always too busy for me!" I yelled back at her, my face turning red with anger. "Oh, photo shoot this, fans that!" I mocked her. "You didn't care a single bit about me and I see that now! I was too blinded by loving you so much back then, that I gave you another chance over and over again! I would cry Lisa! I would cry over you! But then I'd wipe the tears away, and tell myself that'll you'll remember me sometime! That we'll be able to hang out together soon! But no, soon never came! You'd tell me we'd spend time together tomorrow, but tomorrow turned into next week, and next week turned into next month, and then it just never happened! If that wasn't enough, you never texted me to say why you ditched me! Remember when you said we would go on that picnic?! Yeah, well I had a whole meal prepared that I made myself, and I walked to the park and waited for four hours! I kept checking my phone to see if you had called or at least texted! But no! Of course you didn't, because you didn't care about me! I didn't want your pity, I just wanted you to understand! Imagine having to live through that for your entire life. Imagine how much that messes you up. Imagine waking up and having no one tell you good morning, no one to tuck you in at night, no one to tell you they love you. You were the only person who ever did that for me. You were the only person to ever say they loved me, it was rare to hear it from you, but when I did, I went home and fell asleep happy for once. I would wake up, and if would make me happy for days. You screwed up Lisa. You really did this time." I could feel my throat burning and my eyes were stinging. There was a loud ringing in my heads as I yelled louder at her.

"So you're telling me this is all my fault? I'm the reason you always acted like you did? I'm not the only one to fault here!"

"Oh? And how not?"

"You knew I was always busy! You knew I had work to be done, people to meet with, stuff to film and make!
It wasn't my fault I had no time!"

"So you cared more about the people who loved you for your looks, more than me, who did everything her could to protect you, to fight for you, to defend you!? You never missed a meet up or a premiere, oh no, you never dare do that, but you missed two different anniversary dates, plus nearly all of our other dates, and you never told me why for any of them! Thinking back, you never even told me you would be missing them! I'd be laughed at for sitting alone at a table, constantly telling the waiter that someone else is coming and I was waiting to order! You don't know how much that hurt me! Do you know how it feels to be ignored and humiliated by the one person you thought loved you and that you loved with every bone in your body?! Well it kills you!"

"So you pranked me with this?!"

"No! That wasn't the reason for this! This was to show you, you should understand other people's lives before you laugh about it! You don't know what someone has been through! You don't know the shit they've seen! You don't know the shit they've had to do! Not everyone has a perfect life like yours, you know!"

"Listen, I-" She started to yell, but stopped herself and pinched the bridge of her nose. She stood silent for a while. "I-I just want to go home." She sighs, walking towards my car. I wanted to make her walk, but she already was having a hard day, so I just let her. I looked at Lena, who shrugged back.

"What just happened?" She asked, looking at me with wide eyes.

"I, I don't know." I started to walk to my car with Lena close behind.

"We need to stop by Sarah's house to get Finnly." She told me, still following me. "I dropped him off before coming here."

"Okay, thanks Lena, you've been a big help the past couple days." I give her a quick side hug and get in my car. I drove to Sarah's house and hurried up the steps, knocking after thanking a long breath in and out.

"Hey YN, back for little Finn already?"

"Mhmm." I chuckled, giving her a quick hug.

"Well, I suppose he's allowed to go this time." She giggled, gently handing him to me.

"Thanks Sarah." I smiled at her, feeling my cheeks burning up.

"No problemo, should I be expecting him tomorrow?"

"Nah, I think I'm just gonna skip school. It was a long day."

"Okay, I'll miss the little guy."

"Well, you're always welcome over. You can come around noon and you me and him can go grab lunch."

"Sounds like a plan, thanks YN, I'll see you two tomorrow." She gave me a tight hug, quickly kissing me after. I smiled at her and walked back to my car. As I was strapping Finnly into his car seat, Lisa started questioning me.

"Who was that?" She glared past me at the house.

"My friend Sarah."

"Why'd she kiss you."

"Because we're good friends and she's allowed to do that."


"Because I'm single, and she's pretty cool."

So you're dating now?"

"That's not what I said, now is it?"

"I mean technically."

"Lisa," I sighed, standing straight up. "Don't worry about it, it doesn't involve you, so stay out of it. My love life should be none of your business."

"So you like her?"

"Lisa. Stop." I demanded, getting into my seat and driving home. It was a silent drive to my house, but I didn't mind it. I've heard nothing but commotion this whole day and I'm sick of it. I pulled into my drive way and got Finnly out. "You both are welcome to stay, or I can drop you off at your house. Which is it."

"I'll stay." Lena shrugs.

"Fine." Was all I got from Lisa. Fine what? Fine she was going or fine she was staying? She followed me in, so I guess she's staying. I quickly fed Finnly and changed into some black joggers, tossing my shirt onto the ground and putting on my glasses. I grabbed a book and laid down. Some time later there was a knock on my bedroom door.

"It's open." Lisa walked in, stoping just as she got into my room.

"We need to talk."

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