Chapter 8

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It was getting close to time, but I wasn't feeling too well. I pulled out my phone to call Griffin.

"Yo dude! I'm so pumped!" I yelled into the phone.

"Yeah, about that. I think I'm just gonna stay home and rest."

"Are you still pissed over that whole Lisa thing? Cause you really got to get over that."

"No not that, I think we made up, I don't know. My head's just hurting. I'll talk to you later man, bye." I didn't give him a chance to talk before I hung up. I looked down to my left and saw Lisa, who was still asleep on my shoulder. I have to talk to her. I nudged her a bit, earning a small whimper and a slight move of her head. "Hey, Lisa." I gently shook her awake.

"Mmmm what?" She sleepily groaned, looking at me with eyes half shut.

"Can I talk to you upstairs real quick?"

"I guess. But I'm too tired, carry me."

"No Lisa, come on." I groaned like a child, throwing my self deeper into the couch.

"It wasn't a question YN."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes, sliding my hands under her and easily lifting her. I laid her on my bed and sat on the edge.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

"What happened last night, and what happened to us?"

"YN, you said there was never us. What's more to talk about?"

"What happened is what's to talk about! Lisa, I don't know about you, but I surely can't live like this!"

"Like what?" She placed her hand on my forearm, her nails sending chills up my arm.

"Like this!" I brushed her hand off. "You need to make up your mind, Lisa. Do you love me like I love you?"

"No." Wow. I felt my heart literally being ripped out of my chest.

"Then get out of my life, and stay out. You can't keep doing this to me Lisa. You can't ignore me, then fuck me when your bored. That's not how it works. Go and get a life. Hell, go and get your old life back. Anyone would kill for that. Now leave." I growled at her, my eyes set on hers, not daring to look away.

"YN, you'd be heartbroken if I left, I-"

"You're damn right I would be. But it would save me a whole lot of more heartbreak. I can start living now instead of having you dump me over and over again. Now get out of my house." Something switched inside me. I wasn't just mad anymore, I was pissed, and hurt, and broken.


"You don't love me Lisa. You don't like me. Why stay and waste your time on another reject? Hmm?"

"I'm staying YN."

"Yeah, I bet you are." I laughed sarcastically, standing up, not taking my eyes off of her. "Get out of my house Lisa. I've had enough heartbreak in my life, I can take one more."

"I don't think you can, YN." She stood up and slowly walked towards me, smirking. I backed up until my back hit the door, slamming it shut. She caught up and placed one hand on my chest, the other fiddling with the hem of my shirt. "I don't think you can go any longer with all the tragedies you've had. I mean, you've lost so much. Why lose another?" She spoke in a soft, seductive voice. I swallowed hard and gently pushed her off of me.

"You're crazy Lisa. You're absolutely insane. I want you out of my house."

"We all want the things we can't have. You want me gone. You want your family back. You want just a little love in your life. But you can't have it. You can't have any of it. You know you need me in your life."

"Lisa. Leave. I don't want to hurt you in any way, so leave. Now."

"Oh? You don't want to hurt me? Is that right? Well, I want you to know something YN."

"What Lisa?"

"I want you to hurt me."

"Wait. What?" I'm, what? I don't know how to respond to that.

"You heard me. Hurt me. I want to see you try. I'm all used to being hurt."

"And how is that?"

"I can't tell you."

"Look! There you fucking go again! You never told anything to me! You always keep secrets from me! Lisa, I wanted to have a life with you! We couldn't have done that if you always lie to me!"

"Well I didn't want a life with you! We're in high school YN! I'm not looking for a husband! I'm not looking for a family! I'm looking for fun! I want a little fun in my life! I want to live risky! And then, after college, maybe during it, then I'll look for a life! You can't expect everyone to want a life immediately!"

"Why?! Isn't that the ultimate goal! To find someone to spend the rest of your life with!?"

"No! No it isn't! I don't want that! At least not now! And not with you!"

"Then why'd you date me in the first place?!"

"Because!" She took a deep breath and punched the bridge of her nose. "Like I said YN, I want fun in my life. I don't want marriage now. I'm not looking for my soulmate, I'm looking for risk and fun."

"Well that's not what I want. I want a life. I'm looking for my soulmate. I practically already have a fucking child who I can barely take care of. I need someone to help me. I thought that would be you. But nope, I wasted four years of my life on some lying bitch. Thanks for wasting my life. Now get out of my house."

"You aren't fooling me with that whole, I have problems, thing. Not again. You don't think I have my own problems? Because oh, I do."

"Oh no, my names Lisa and I have a hard life because everyone likes me! It's so difficult to have every guy lined up to fuck me!" I mocked in a high pitched voice. "Listen Lisa, my family's dead! I'm probably getting fired when I go to work tomorrow! If I'm not completely hungover! I won't have money! I'm probably gonna get kicked out of my house! You can't be sitting here, after telling me you didn't love me, saying you have problems too! Now get the hell out of my house!"

"You know what YN? Fine. I will leave. But don't expect to ever see me again. Okay?"

"Hopefully I won't." I pull open the door and angrily follow Lisa downstairs.

"Come on Lena, we're leaving." Lisa glares at me while forcing her just awoken sister out the door.

"Our car isn't here."

"We can walk, now let's go!"

"Okay okay, geez." Lisa pulls Lena out the door as I wave from the porch.

"See you never bitch!" I yell after her, not feeling even a tad bit guilty.

"Shut the fuck up asshole!" She returns the favour, flipping me off from halfway down the block. Finally. I can move on with my life.

*7 Years Later*

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