Chapter 15

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"Hey, mind if I join you?" I turned around and saw Lena standing next to the passenger door. Without a word, I moved over and patted the spot next to me. "So, I'm guessing you and Lisa didn't get along to well?" I shrugged and took another puff of my cigarette. "When did that start?" She questioned, taking it from my fingers and tossing it to the sand. I lit another one.

"When Lisa showed up again. It's the only way I can relax anymore."

"The only way?"

"The only way I've found. Now, why'd you come here?"

"When I got to Griffins house, Lisa said you weren't there, so I figured I'd check here. And here you are."

"That's it? You came just to come?"

"Well, if that doesn't bother you, then yeah." I thought a second and nodded.

"Okay. So, what's to talk about?"

"Whatever you want to."

"Well, I guess we should talk about what happened after I left. How have you two been?"

"I've been great, uhh, I guess. I've written a few books," I widened my eye. Lena? I didn't expect that from anyone I knew, especially her. "Uhh, I still play football and I still dance a bit. Just some random fun things every here and there. But Lisa, well she's definitely been something."

"Like, well?"

"You could say that. She's been in and out of the courthouse in the past years. She started drinking more and she's been getting in so much trouble. I don't know, this acting gig is the first real job she's had in a long while. And we're 24. She's changed a lot. When you left, we didn't talk for a month straight. I don't know what to do with her."

"Wow, I didn't think she'd change. It didn't really seem to affect her at all. She seemed like breaking up with me was the best thing she's ever done."

"Well, it wasn't. She was devastated when she learned you moved. So she went and bought a house in Berlin. I stayed for a while with my parents and then moved sort of in between I guess. I go to Lisa's and stay quite often though. Everything's just much better when I'm around her. She keeps me smiling and I keep her out of jail."



"Wow. I guess you are older after all." I chuckled a little, leaning back on my arm.

"Hey, YN?"


"Do you think we could've worked out?"

"Where'd that come from?"

"I've just been wondering."

"Since before I moved?" I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Well, it was kind of one of the happiest moments in my life."

"We dated for only two weeks."

"But, it still was nice."

"I don't know. Lisa didn't talk you you for a week after she found out. Was it really worth the risk? You could've lost your sister."

"Yeah. In all honestly, it was worth it. Call me crazy, but you were worth losing her."

"You're crazy." I blatantly stated, not daring to look at her.

"YN, come on."

"You're insane. Choosing me over your own damn sister. She needed you and you still chose me."

"She didn't need me. She never needed me. All she did was talk with her friends and bring guys I've never seen to our house."

"And you?"

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