Chapter 16

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I stood still as her lips got closer to mine. I waited until hers were only millimetres away before taking a step back and returning to the boiling water.

"I have a girlfriend. I wouldn't kiss you if it was to save my life. Plus you disgust me in ways unimaginable." I said, not daring to look back at her. She didn't respond, but I heard her heavy breathing. "Cat got your tongue?"

"You think you're so funny. You think I don't know I disgust people? My own sister can barely look at me without thinking bad about me. And now was my time to prove that I've changed. I guess that's all done and fucked up."

"Finally coming to your senses I see."

"I love someone I can't have. And that's an issue to me."

"Whom is it? Charlie? The nice guy down the street. I promise I won't tell him." I sarcastically commented, trying to make her mad.

"YN. Stop it. Stop fooling around. Why are we like this? Why do you constantly tease me?"

"What do you mean?"

"You think that you can just keep me here, waiting on you to make a move I already know you won't ever make. I'd rather you chain me up, turn me on, then walk away."

"Odd analogy, but continue."

"You know what I'm getting at. You think that now that you're dating someone, you can tease me all you want. You think I want you now that you're taken."

"Because you do."

"Do not. I would choose anyone over you."

"Mhmm, I bet you would. Now listen, I'm going home tomorrow, so you can either stay here for the rest of the week or take the train back with me. But I'm gonna need to know tonight so I can book the tickets."

"I'm talking about something important, stop changing the subject on me."

"I'm not, I just need you to let me know before it gets too terribly late."

"Okay, fine. But I need you to tell me one thing. Do you love me?"

"You broke my heart. You messed my head up. You tormented me. You abandoned me. You made fun of me. You criticised my parents. You criticised my life. And you destroyed my hope. Now, you're asking if I love you? You're insane."

"I take it that's a no?"

"If I could collect all the no's people have said since the world began, I would hand them all to you."

"Okay then, no need to be harsh."

"No need to be harsh?! There's no need for you to treat me like absolute rubbish, but you still do that!"



"I missed you so much." I was greeted with a tight hug and a rough kiss when I walked through the door of my house.

"I missed you too babe. Did Finnly behave."

"Very well." She smiled at me, taking a seat across from me on the opposite couch.

"Sarah, can I ask you a question?"

"I suppose."

"Do you trust me?"


"Just a question. We've never asked each other in all the years we've know each other."

"Okay, well, do you trust me?"

"Would there be a reason not to?"


"Then I do. How about you? Do you trust me?"

"Of course I do."

"Then why did you leave earlier?"

"I don't know. I just needed some air. And now I realise I needed you with me. Without you is just as much torture as fighting with you. Maybe more."

"I'm glad we feel the same way then." I smiled, kissing her cheek as I stood to go upstairs. I walked into Finnly's room and tapped his shoulder, seeing as he was asleep. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"YN. You came back." He sleepily muttered, turning to hug me.

"Of course I did. I couldn't leave even you for good. Need anything to eat?"


"Alrighty then, I'll be back with some food." I smiled at him, tussling his hair. I walked downstairs, barely making it to the hallway before the front door swung open. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the shoulders of the blonde, turning her around and shoving her out the door and slamming it behind the both of us. "Lisa. What the hell do you thing you're doing here?" I growled at her, keeping my voice low.

"I came to ask you why the hell you just left!"

"Because you, being you, would end up getting me in so much trouble!"

"You're the one who fucked me!"

"Excuse me?" The door closed from behind me as my heart sank into my stomach. I turned around to face a glaring Sarah.

"God damnit Lisa! We agreed to keep this to ourselves!"

"So you weren't going to tell me?!" Sarah yelled at me, stepping closer, pushing her finger into the crook of my chest.


"No, you said I could trust you and I did! I asked you if there was any reason I shouldn't, and you said there wasn't! Not only did you cheat on me, but you lied to me." She sounded bare disappointed in me. I couldn't find the words to say what I wanted to. She was right.

"I-I,...I'm sorry." I managed to let out a barely audible apology. Of course it wasn't enough. And I didn't expect it to. But I had to get out what I needed to. Whether it was what I'm actually trying to get out or not. She stared at me, hate and disappointment writing across her face. Did I look at Lisa like this? Is this what she felt?

"Get out. Pack your stuff and get out. Take your brother too." I nodded and calmly walked inside and upstairs. I put everything that I could in a suitcase and loaded it in my car. I went into Finnly's room and woke him up again.

"You me are leaving buddy."

"Huh? Why?"

"To get food bud. We're gonna take a bit of a trip. Just you and me. Bros week out." I smiled at him, even if it was forced, he couldn't tell, he's eight. I packed his luggage and tossed it in my car before picking him up and buckling him in. I walked back over to Sarah, who was planted with her arms crossed over her chest. "I would say I'll never see you again, but you'll be seeing me on the streets. Kicked out of my own house. Damn." I scoffed, shaking my head. I walked past Lisa, hitting my shoulder against hers. She grabbed my arm, spinning me around.

"YN I'm sorry." I didn't respond, I just shook loose and tried to walk off. She grabbed my arm again and pulled me back. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for her to hear."

"Well she did." I angrily spat, ripping my arm from her grip and hurrying to my car before speeding off.


"Yeah bud?"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong buddy. What do you want to eat?"

"I'm not really hungry anymore. Let's just go where we were going." I nodded and headed to a hotel an hour away. I texted Lena and explained the situation before walking in and booking a room. A couple hours later of television and pizzas there's a knock at the door. I opened it and smiled.

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