The Blonde: Chapter 2

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Tuesday, November 17th, is another day.

After dropping off Wendy at her school and arriving to mine, I open the doors to the building. As I walk down the halls and towards my locker, the first thing I am greeted with was a push towards the lockers.

But it wasn't so rough.


"Hey, Pinky! Long time no see."

I turn to my left to see Gajeel smirking.

"Gajeel. What are you doing? We stopped talking during Junior year. What's up–"

"Oh, c'mon! I just saw you come in and wanted to give you a hey. So, what's life throwing at you?"

"Lots of work and tons of bullying. God, is this what its like to not be popular?"

"Hey, I know that you've been popular before at your old school but no, this ain't what it's like to be unpopular. Some people aren't known very well in school and they don't get bullied. They stand up for themselves. Unlike you, dorky." Gajeel chuckled, and I sweat dropped.

"Uh, right." I said, walking further as Gajeel follows behind.

"What? Where you going?"

"To my locker. State the obvious again." I replied, chuckling.

Suddenly, a group of friends walk towards Gajeel and I instantly panic. I'm not used to this whole social group things, or whatever you call it!

Friends, right?

I always isolated and kept my distance from others, but now, I have no idea what to do.

"Oh, hey guys! I would like for you to meet an old friend of mine." Gajeel pulls me back and I smile anxiously.


"What's your name?" A brunette girl interrogates.

"Uh, Natsu. Natsu Dragneel."

"Cana Alberona. Nice to meet you. How come I haven't seen you around here? You new?" Cana asks, and I shake my head.

"No. I've been here throughout my four years." I responded.

Why hasn't this meet and greet ended yet?

"Well, enough about Cana. I'm Levy Mcgarden, the smartest in the group. Lucy's second, obviously." Levy, a short blue haired girl said.

I shake her hand and smile.

Why am I still here?

"If you ever need tutoring, I'm the girl to ask for it." Levy smirked, winking.

"Alright, Levy. Next!"

"Erza Scarlet, the school president. The pleasure is all mine, Natsu." Erza said, smiling.

"Hey, Erza." I said, waving.

She looks scary. Wouldn't want to mess with her anytime soon.

"Jellal isn't here at the moment but you'll meet him. Also, where the hell is Gray!?" Erza shouted, and I flinch.

"Uh, h-he said that he was going to the bathroom, Erza! He e-even told you!" Levy stutters, evidently afraid of Erza.

"Ah. That's right. My apologies."

Can I leave?

"Wait a minute. Where's Lu-chan?!" Levy asks, searching around for Lucy.

"She's talking to Sting about something. She said it was urgent." Cana replied.

"Ah, I see. God, she still has problems with him? I thought they were officially done." Levy mutters, and I sigh.

"Well, it was nice meeting you guys but I gotta go." I said, walking away.

They smiled and waved goodbye.

I didn't wanted to get in any sort of business that ain't mine. I've already got enough problems of my own.

But you had a crush on Lucy!

Ugh, I hate it when my other inner me talks. There's a key word into that sentence my other inner me said. And that's HAD.

I know deep down we still love her! Plus, she's single and ready to mingle!

No! She has problems with Sting and Sting will beat my ass if I even try going near her.

Oh, c'mon! Don't be a chicken! Just talk to her! That's not bad, right?

Well, no but–

Wait! Do you hear that?

Hear what?

I look around the halls and heard sobbing. I felt myself become concerned for this girl and once I found her, she was sitting on the ground. 

"Lucy? Um, are you okay?" I asks, approaching her.

She looks up and wipes the tears the instant she made eye contact with me.

"Oh! Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." She said, putting on a fake smile.

"No, you're not. Do you want to talk about it?" I suggest, sitting next to her.

She sighs and I turn to look at her. The tears start to fall again.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to pressure you or anything! You don't have to tell me if you don't want to since it's not none of my business–"

Lucy chuckles, wiping away the tears.

"Say, what's your name?" Lucy asked.

"I'm N–"

"Lu-chan! Oh my God, are you alright!?"

I turn to my left and saw Levy and the rest running towards us.

"You're crying. Who did this to you!?" Erza asked, and I flinch a little.

"Was it him!? Was it Natsu!? Listen, I don't want any problems with you, Pinky, but Lucy is like a sister to me and if you ever make her cry, I will make your life miserable." Gajeel threatens, standing me up and pinning me to the locker.

"No. It wasn't Natsu. It was Sting. He...he just threatened me."

"Threatened you of what?" Erza asked, worried.

There's some secret in this group that I don't know about. Gajeel releases me and gives me a pat. Everyone in the group seems really concerned for her.

"Sorry about that. Now scram!"

I grab my backpack and turn around, leaving.

Goodness, is this what I get for being comforting and nice? Should I just give it up and fight for my own or...end my life?

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