I'm Fine: Chapter 7

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I'm fine.

I'm not.

Are you sure?

Yeah! Don't worry about me!

Y'know I'm here if you wanna talk. I'll do anything for you.

I want to die. Can you kill me?

These are the type of things I write down on my notebook. Suicidal things.

I feel alone. Lucy doesn't trust me, I have no friends, and I'm just a lowlife.

I rather just die than to be alone in this world.

Who wants a life with no one to support them? Who wants a life with nobody to love?

I can't face this alone! I don't want to be alone! I'm sick of being sad!

So, after the day of Sting threatening me, I started to cut myself every day.

It's been a week. Last time I checked, I cut myself about 30 times.

Pfff, it's not like no one cares.

Nobody gives a shit. I can cut myself in front of everyone and they won't even stop me.

Not even Lucy.

I grab my phone and go into social media. People were continuing to threaten me and say that they're going to beat me up.

That's great! Then that'll mean that I can be beaten to death!

But, in through the comments, Lucy and her friends are defending me.

They don't have to. They're wasting their time defending me.

I'm hopeless. I feel hopeless.

How can you handle this hopeless emotion? Tell me!

I hate feeling this way! I'm tired of being here! I'm tired of feeling stupid!

I'm not important! I'm not gonna make a change in the world!

There's no reason in being here! I'm not strong! I'm weak!

Tears start to roll down my cheeks and I sob, trembling as I sit on my bed.

What's the point of living if there's no one who loves you!?

I breathe in and out, trying to make up my mind on what to do.

I let out a shaky breath and grab my phone, going to my camera roll.

I set up the record button and I extend my hand out.

I sniff, starting the video.

"I'm Natsu Dragneel, and this is my story."



I open up my laptop and go on social media. The first thing I see was a video of Natsu.

My heart suddenly starts to race and I click on the video, concerned.

"I'm Natsu Dragneel, and this is my story. Y'see, I have been through so much. I don't need the extra. Just save it. For the past week, I have been cutting myself for over 30 times. I can't handle this pain that I have. I don't know how to handle the pain. I'm numb and I keep having this awful feeling inside of me. I don't want to live anymore. I'm done!

Natsu shows his scars and I widen my eyes, tears rolling down my cheeks.

It's because of you guys! You guys have done this to me! Bullying drove me to suicide. But, I like to thank the people that were on my side and defended me. So, thank you. I really appreciate it. I don't know why many people hate me! But that's okay...'cause I'm starting to hate myself too. Why would I want t-to continue living if no one loves me? So goodbye, I'm about to go and kill myself now.

Natsu chuckles as tears roll down his cheeks.

So, if you'd like to watch the most hated person in school die, I'll be at the rooftop of Magnolia Hospital. I guess I'll be dying alone. I'm just..."

At the end, he sobs and ends the video.

I jump out of bed and ran out of my house. Tears start rolling down my cheeks as I run.

I need to save him! I have to save him! I can't let him die!

As I continue to run, in the distance, I can see Natsu up at the rooftop of Magnolia Hospital.

I run faster and once I made it to the hospital, I go inside and take the elevator.

C'mon! Hurry up!!

The elevator dings and it sent me up to the rooftop.

I look around and saw Natsu dangling at the edge.

"Natsu! Don't jump!"

He gets alerted and slowly turns around, his eyes crying a river.


"Natsu, please. I'm begging you! Get off of the edge."

"No. I don't want to live anymore. There's no point in breathing..."

He almost trips but gains his balance.

"Natsu! P-Please, I don't want you to die."

"Why the hell not!? You should be with the 99% of the school's population that wants me dead! I don't know why you're crying. You should be celebrating!"

"Natsu, please. I...I..."

"Lucy, I don't have time. Oh look, there's a crowd down there! I'm getting attention! Hi, people!" Natsu shouted, waving hello at the people.

"God dammit, Natsu! Look at me! The reason I don't want you to die is...is because I need you! I need you in my life! You're important to me! And if you jump right now, this whole scene will haunt me forever. I will be hurt and I won't be able to forgive myself! Please, let me save you."

Natsu grits his teeth and kneels down to his knees, crying and sobbing.

I run towards him and kneel down, hugging him tightly.


Natsu sobs and cries, clutching onto me.

"Shh, it's going to be okay. I promise. You will get through this. We will get through this together."

"God...I feel so hopeless, Luce. Please, help me."

He hugs me back even tighter and my heart races.

I'm going to do it!

I slowly caress Natsu's cheeks and state into his ocean green eyes.

"I love you, Natsu."

I lean in and kiss his soft lips, tears rolling down both of our faces.

I lean away, putting my forehead against his as our noses touch.

"Again, I love you, Natsu."

I'm Natsu Dragneel Where stories live. Discover now