The Blue Cat: Chapter 17

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Yo!! I read the latest chapter and I broke down into tears!! I wanted to cry in class so hard but I couldn't! I held back the tears! 😭 My poor Lucy was crying so much!! How many times does Hiro Mashima have to make our children suffer like that!?




I get in my car and lock all doors. Hot tears run down my cheeks and I sniff, pulling out my phone. My vision was blurry from the tears in my eyes and I quickly wipe them away, calling Levy.

I sobbed as I put it on speaker phone, waiting and waiting for her answer.

"Lu-chan! Hey, is everything good!?"

"Levy...ugh, I don't know how to tell you this..." I cried, my lips quivering.

"W-What's wrong? Why are you crying...? Lu-chan, you're scaring me."

I continue to cry. It's really hard to tell the bad news to her. How will she even react?

"Levy..." I breathe in and out. "I have blood cancer. Also known as Leukemia. The doctor tested my blood and confirmed it to me." I said, wanting to burst into tears.

" way! Lucy, please tell me that you're joking around!! I can't...this isn't funny!"

"Levy, I'm not lying! You think I'll joke around about that!?"

"N-No...I don't know! It's just really hard right now, Lucy! You're my best friend! Hearing that you're at risk of death terrifies me! I never, ever in my life wanted to hear those words that you're dying! And it breaks my...heart." Levy cries, sobbing tremendously through the phone.

"Levy...please don't cry. You're gonna make me cry even harder." I said, my lips quivering.

"I'm sorry...I can't help it. It's just not fair. Why do bad things happen to good people?"

"I don't know, Levy. But I'm sure there has to be a good explanation." I replied, my throat feeling sore.

"W-Where are you? Are you still at the hospital?"

"Yeah, I'm actually about to go. I'm in my car."

"Please, come straight home. I'll be meeting you there. Be careful."

"Mhm. Thank you. I love you, Levy."

"I love you, too."

I hang up and a single tear falls down my cheek. I sigh and put my phone away. Fixing the mirror, I wipe away the single tear.

" am I gonna tell you this?"



As I walk down the Magnolia streets, I put on my black hoodie. The sun was setting and people began to leave the streets and into their homes. 

I didn't buy a gun because I decided to give life a second chance. Why not be alive for Wendy? She wanted me to live.

And I'm willing to survive for as long as I can.

My happiness is gone. Lucy and Wendy. But I'll give life one more opportunity. If something or someone was to interfere, I'll just kill my self.

Suddenly, as I walk past an alleyway, I heard meowing. That caught my attention and I turn to look at the alleyway.

It was dark so I took out my phone and turned on the flash. It was a kitty whose fur is blue with black eyes.

The cat seems to be injured because I see red in his fur.

"Oh, it's a cat." I said to myself.

I approach the cat carefully and slowly, trying hard not to scare it away. The kitten slowly backs away but I coo at it.

"No, no, no! Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I promise." I said, taking down my hoodie to reveal my cherry colored hair.

I crouch down, extending my arm to the cat. The cat approaches me with caution, until he decided to run up to me.

"Aww! Aren't you a cutie? I'll take you home and heal you all up. Don't worry, you'll be staying with me." I said, grabbing it gently.

I get up and stroke his fur, in which he replies with purring.

I chuckled. Maybe a little animal company wouldn't hurt.

I walk out of the alleyway and walk quickly towards my house. People were staring at me along the way but I didn't care. My priority right now is this blue kitty.

I enter my home and close the door behind me. I sat down the cat on a table and went to the cabinet. I took out bandages, alcohol, and stitches.

Hmm, do cats need alcohol to heal their wounds? I look at the alcohol bottle to the blue cat, who was giving me a confused look.

"Hey, I know what I'm doing." I said, getting a bit offended.

Does this cat think I'm stupid!?

Maybe I should perhaps search it up on my phone. I don't quite trust myself.

So I did! I researched and it says that you CANNOT put alcohol on a cat wound because it will harm/damage their tissue.

I look from my phone to the cat. It gave me a look as if it won a rap battle!

"Oh, please! It wasn't even a competition to see who was right anyways. Pfff, like I care."

I put the alcohol away and just brought the bandages and stitches. While reading the info in my phone, I read that you have to put pressure on the wound if it was bleeding.

I sit down on a chair and set down the things on the table next to the cat. He sniffs the objects and leans away.

I chuckle a bit and grab onto the cat, wrapping the bandages around his body.

"Don't worry, this will all be over soon."

Hmm, I wonder what I should name him. Happy sounds great with me!

Maybe Happy can be my happiness after all.


So, yeee! I updated! How's life treating ya'll!? School is almost over for me! June 14th and I'll finally get my freedom!! YAY!

Update on my life:

Things are going fine. Still need to get over my crush. I can't even face her because I'm just too nervous and I think:

Ugh, I probably look really ugly right now so I can't face her at my worsts. Worsts, is that even a word? 🤷🏻‍♀️

So yeah...I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me back. But whatever! She's my friend and I respect if she ONLY sees me as a friend. I get that. *cries*

You know, sometimes you gotta face rejection in life. BUT IT ISN'T FAIR!!

Please, advice on forgetting my crush will be appreciated! Thank you!


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