Early Thanksgiving Celebration: Chapter 5

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It was officially Saturday. I am currently standing in front of the church where Lucy and I are suppose to meet.

"Natsu! Hey, I'm glad you can make it."

I look to my left and saw Lucy wearing a white sundress with a pink flower crown.

"Wow." I muttered, her looks amazing me.

"You look great! Although the tie is a bit crooked. Here, let me fix it."

Lucy gets in front of me and fixes my tie.

"All set. Now c'mon. The celebration is about to begin."

Lucy grabs my hand and we walk towards the outside area of the church.

A lot of people were here and they all seem to be laughing and having a good time.

Music was popping when suddenly, someone changes the song from the radio.

"It's party time!" A girl shouted, and everyone shouts in agreement.

"You can blow my whistle, baby, whistle, baby!"

"They put these types of songs because we want people to feel how they felt during the good old times. This song was my childhood." Lucy said, smiling.

She tightens her hold on my hand and I smirk.

"Yeah, same goes for me."


Lucy and I were sitting down, enjoying the food that they served to us here.

"The food is great! I'm glad they have tons of different foods." I said, eating my taco.

"Yeah. Everyone would usually bring their own food for everyone to enjoy. Hey, I'm gonna come back. I have to call someone." Lucy said, and I nodded.

"Yeah. Sure."

She stands up and smiles at me. After, she walks towards the open door of the church with her phone.

I wonder who she's going to call.

I take my phone out and go into a social media. In a post with 1.4K likes and 2.6K comments, I saw Sting talking about me.

"Seriously, @NatsuDragneel, you should kill yourself! Nobody loves you! Everyone completely hates you. You're nothing.😂"

I grit my teeth and pressed the comment button.

A lot of the comments were agreeing and they were even insulting me.

"He should!"

"He's a waste of time!"

"He looks like a sack of potatoes!"

"Kill yourself, Dragneel!"

"He's not even that hot!"

Have you ever had mean comments before? If so, do you know how that feels?

It feels like a huge, heavy stone that's carved in the word 'guilt' and 'sad' is building up pressure on me.

I hate that feeling. This hurts.

But, as I scroll down through the comments, I read one that was from Lucy.

"You're all sick! Leave him alone! What has he ever done to you!?"

A reply of her comment was from Sting and Laxus.

"Absolutely nothing. He's just a nice toy to mess around with." Laxus said.

"He's an idiotic, pink headed bastard! He's a low life, Lucy. I find it hard to believe that YOU'RE standing up to him."

"I'm defending him because he's my friend! This is what friends do! We defend each other!"

A small smile creeps up to my lips and small tears appear in my eyes.

She's...she's actually defending me.

"Alright, I'm back–Natsu? Are you okay?"

I look up and blink, wiping away the small tears that were in my eyes.

"Ah, yes. I'm fine."

No, I'm not.

"But you were crying. Oh, were you reading the mean comments? I'm sorry about everyone that was really rude to you–"

"I'm fine, Lucy. Thanks for worrying but I'm fine. You don't have to apologize for everyone. It's not your fault." I said, putting on a fake smile.

Lucy sits down next to me and caresses my cheek.

"Natsu...you somewhat make me feel joy whenever I'm around you. Thank you." Lucy said, smiling.

She blushes and I sigh.

"No, thank you. Thank you for defending me."

"You're my friend...and that's what friends do."

I put on a small smile and I noticed that we were both leaning in.

Until, someone interrupted by speaking on the microphone.

"Thank you all for showing up! This is so amazing interacting with you all..."

Lucy blinks and we both lean back. She removes her hand from my cheek and I clear my throat.

Without making eye contact with her, I look at the woman speaking in the mic.

"I would like to sing a song with my partner, Alzack. We wrote this song ourselves and would love to share it with you all."

The woman and the man named Alzack sits down on a chair and Alzack holds his guitar.

"All we do is hide away. All we do is, all we do is hide away. All we do is chase the day. All we do is, all we do is chase the day. All we do is lie and wait. All we do is, all we do is lie and wait."

I take a small peak towards Lucy and see her admirably staring at the woman singing the beautiful song.

But, with her admirably staring at the woman and hearing the song, she was lip syncing the lyrics.

The woman must know Lucy that she kindly shared the song with her.

"I've been upside down! I don't want to be the right way 'round. Can't find paradise on the ground."

This song has a meaning in it. By can't find paradise on the ground, it means that you're always looking at the ground feeling sad and you can't find happiness.

You always hide away from everyone and you can't wait for the day to be over so you chase the day.

I...I could relate to this.

Suddenly, Lucy's head was sitting on my shoulder and I turn my head to look at her.

"I love this song so much. It reminds me when I was a little girl." Lucy said, tears escaping her eyes.

I say nothing and rest my head on top of hers gently.

"All we do is play it safe. All we do...all we do."


Be prepared because next chapter will have a lot of bad ass moments for Natsu.

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