Not My Little Sister: Chapter 10

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Its been two days since the possum incident.

It was a pretty disgusting moment for I shared it with my only friend.

"There was a possum inside your house!? How big was it?" Romeo asks, and I giggle.

"It was pretty big. It had a long prehensile tail and those eyes were creepy."

Romeo shudders and I smile. He's also disgusted.

"Hey, Wendy. I'm really glad you came back from Cait Shelter. I missed you." Romeo said, smiling.

"Yeah, me too."

Suddenly, a group of girls were laughing and looking at me. Why are they talking about me?

"Uh, Romeo? Is it just me or are those girls talking about me?"

"It's not only you. I wonder what they're up to."

Being laughed a bit heartbreaking. I tend to have a sensitive heart.

Suddenly, the group of girls walk towards Romeo and I and they start to giggle.

"Is it true...that your brother is suicidal?"

I widen my eyes and gasp.

"W-What? H-How do you know this?"

"It's all around the school now. We've all seen that video your brother made."

"Why are you laughing? It's not funny!" Romeo shouted, defending my brother and I.

"I support suicide because if they want to end their suffering, they can. I don't know why your brother didn't jump. He should have."

Tears started to fall down my cheeks and my heart was in pain.

"S-Stop. You're hurting me." I muttered, and Romeo gets pissed.

"What the hell is your problem!? How could you support suicide!? Suicide is a real thing and many people are actually suffering. You're the worst person I have ever met." Romeo said, glaring at the girl.

She was a blonde with blue eyes.

"W-Who the hell are you?" I ask, feeling offended.

"I'm Mary Eucliffe. My brother, Sting, told me about your brother, Natsu. He's really pathetic, to be honest."

"Shut up! You know nothing about my brother or what he's been through! Don't be judging him!" I shouted, angry.

Mary giggles and turns around, smiling.

"Oh, you're gonna have hell in this school, Wendy." Mary says, walking away laughing with her friends.

"Don't listen to her, Wendy! You're strong and independent! You know that your brother isn't like that."

"I...I know. But, it's just so hurtful hearing those nasty comments. Ugh, I can't believe this is what my brother has to go through."

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