Chapter 1: Hello Nashville

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Today was the day.

Hunter had finally made it into the music business in 2011 because of his hit single, Storm Warning. Since then, he's come out with 2 albums and a new single, was the opening act for Taylor Swift's Speak Now Tour, Carrie Underwood's Blown Away Tour, and Rascal Flatts' Thaw Out Tour, headlined two of his own tours with one on the way that I get to go on: Most Wanted, Let's Be Crazy, and We're Not Invisible, won 9 awards, has an official day for him in Louisiana, has a million likes on Facebook, four seasons of #FTLOM (#fortheloveof music), and has millions of fans worldwide. Sure, he's done other things in music, but he's come a long way since then. I'm honestly proud of Hunter. He's made his dream a reality... something I've always wanted to do, but don't think I'll be able to. He and I used to do gigs in front of our family and a few other occasions outside of that area. We've even taught each other to play different instruments. Reason being why he was able to play all the instruments on every track of his first album. And now that Hunter and I have been able to convince mama and daddy to let me go with him, I can finally join him in Music City.

Well, if you haven't been able to figure it out yet, I am, in fact, related to the one and only Hunter Hayes. He is my older brother by about 7 years. He was born September 9, 1991. I was born April 13, 1998. When I was 2 or 3, Hunter started teaching me music. I can pretty much play the same instruments he can. And my friends and family even say that I should go into the music business, too. But I don't know if I should.

You see, it's not that I have stage fright or anything, I just don't wanna be known as Hunter Hayes's little sister, you know? They'll think the only reason I got into the music business and that's the only reason I'll have fans. I really just wanna make it into the music business on my own. No help whatsoever. I've even tried auditioning for American Idol, The X Factor, America's Got Talent, and The Voice, too, but that hasn't worked yet (even though Blake and Keith still love me to pieces since they figured out I'm Hunter Hayes' little sister.) Does that mean I'm just not cut out for the music industry? I mean, I've been rejected so many times, so do I even have a shot?

I do know one thing. Music is my passion. Specifically, country music. It's the music I've grown up with. It's the music I can relate to. And all the stories aren't the same like songs in other genres are. There's songs about falling in love, love gone wrong, where an artist comes from, just having a good time, and even an artist's faith. I'm a strong supporter of country music artists that freely express their faith.

I believe music should tell a story. I believe music should be about something real. That's what I wanna let the world know if I ever get into the music industry. I wanna let my fans know that I've been through what they're going through. That I've been in their shoes.

Anyway, there's a reason why I said today was the day. Hunter and I's parents finally agreed to let me travel with him on the road. Right now, I'm 15 and going on 16, and our parents didn't think it was a good idea to be out on the road when I was still in high school. But Dann Huff, Hunter's producer, convinced my parents that I would still get an education while I was with Hunter. Ever since Hunter made it into the music business, I've really wanted to go along on the road with him to support him any way I can. Plus, I really can't live without my brother. He's saved my life several times...

Hunter was due to arrive in another 2 or 3 hours. I was still packing my bags with stuff I would need. Hunter would have instruments on his bus, so I didn't have to worry about that as much. The only instrument I was gonna bring was my Martin guitar. Hunter got it for me for my 13th birthday. It's a D-35 Johnny Cash acoustic. I fell in love with it when I was 8, but I wasn't able to afford it. Hunter promised me one day that he would get it for me. I knew the only way he'd be able to get it is if he became famous one day and made a huge salary. When my 13th brithday rolled around, Hunter had pulled the very guitar out of his car. It was in a hard, black case at first, so I didn't know if it was the guitar I wanted or not. When I opened the case inside the house, the case had a really nice bright blue velvet lining on the inside, and inside sat my new guitar. It was pure black, with silver outlining the body, neck, and sound hole. I literally told him that he was the best brother ever that day.

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