Chapter 9: Kick Off

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Everyone's really excited for the show tonight. Even so, me and everyone else in WARB have some nerves, but that's more than likely because this is our first ever headlining concert. Hopefully, after we finally get up there in front of everyone tonight, it will help with the nerves a little. Dann decided that Dan + Shay and WARB would take turns opening up with Danielle Bradbery, which Hunter agreed to. And since Shay had something come up with his parents, we were up tonight. And if all goes well, this will get our music out there once and for all.

"You excited?" someone asked out of nowhere. But even without looking, I knew that person's voice anywhere.

"Yeah I am," I reply.

"Sure is cool to know your brother is doing what he loves to do."

"It sure is."

"And now you get to do the same thing." He then proceeds to snake his arms around my waist from behind as I lay my head against his shoulder.

"I sure do... with a bunch of amazing people on the same road as me."

"I am one of those people, right?"

"Yes, Wyatt, you're one of those people, too."'

"Okay, good. With that tone in your voice it seemed as if I wasn't."

"Don't worry. You are."

"So, hey, I've been meaning to ask you... have you been doing okay lately?" 

*Where'd that come from?*

"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine. Why do you ask?"

"Ry, I know you too well. Something's up."

"It's nothing, I promise. Besides, if it was something, I would've told you by now, wouldn't I?"

"Not all the time, Ry. Look, I'm just trying to make sure you're okay is all."

"I promise that if I'm not feeling well, you'll be one of the first people I go to. Alright?"

"If you say so."


"Five minutes, WARB," the stagehand calls out.

"Alright," we reply.

"You nervous?" Hunter asks me.

"A little. But I know once I hit that stage, I'll be fine. No need to worry."

"Good. I'm proud of you, kid."

"I'm more proud of you, big guy."

"I'm not that big, you know!"

"You are to me!" Suddenly the stadium goes black. That was our cue. It's show time. Andy, Tristen, Wyatt, Destini, Em, and I all walk on stage and get in our places.

"What's going on, Houston?" we all shout enthusiastically. After our introduction, we hear screams erupt from the entire arena.

This was what I always wanted. And now I have it. Sure we only have 30 minutes to perform, but we've got this. Danielle already went on and decided to give us more time to perform since we need the publicity. So, technically, we actually have 45 minutes to perform.

"Well," I reply, "most of you know who we are, but for those of you who don't, I'm Rylan Hayes,"

"I'm Emerson Lynch,"

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