Chapter One

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     Everyone is familiar with the dream of falling. Right when they're about to hit the ground, they wake up. But what if there was no ground? What if there were dark clouds that surrounded them and attacked?

     Fear was all she could sense. With the deafening roar of the sky and the numbing sensation of the lighting striking her, she couldn't hear her own screams. She couldn't feel the air whipping around her as she continued to fall into the nightmare. It didn't stop until a large noise- louder than the thunder, reached her ears, then a thick silence fell.

     She opened her eyes, finding herself standing in a hall dimly lit by torches. Behind her were large tall doors between two stone pillars. Looking forward, she discovered that the walls were covered in some sort of strange ancient writing. As she looked ahead, she saw a glowing bow. It was held on a stone pedestal that had the same carvings as the walls. The bow gave out a white wispy glow, as a small whisper emerged.

To protect those under the moonlight, Night has chosen you to fight!

     A great light exploded from the bow and blinded her. She shut her eyes as tight as she could. The light was just too strong. She held up her arms to shield her face but heard something familiar.

     "Ms. Stone!"

      Snapping her eyes open, she found herself in Ms. Janeth's Geometry class.

     "Ms. Stone, I am very disappointed. How could you sleep to my glorious lesson?" She sighed, lifting up the back of her hand to her forehead. "I never thought I would say this but, Kelsey Stone, you have earned yourself a detention."

     Kelsey sat there shocked as some of her classmates giggled. She wasn't seen as a goody-goody, but having detention was not on her school record, until now. But what shocked her the most was the fact she actually fell asleep in class. Sure she would daydream sometimes, but never flat out sleep.

    She dreaded for the bell as the teacher continued to talk about something called SAS, which she knew nothing about because of her unplanned nap. Her classmates weren't much help. She was in the front row, so if she leaned over to ask what she missed, Ms. Janeth would surely catch her and probably would give her something worse than detention. So she had no choice but to sit there thinking of how her parents would react.

      Her dad would probably hear about it first, then Kelsey would have to call her mom. Her parents were divorced, and her mother needed to travel for work, which left her and her younger sister, Penny with their dad. Kelsey and Penny would call their mom at least twice a week to hear about her job and to inform her about their lives.

     She wasn't that scared considering she didn't get into a fight or anything serious.

     Once the bell rang she really wanted to leave, but to catch up with the class, she had to go up to Ms. Janeth who wrote her some page numbers Kelsey would have to solve from her math book. 

She sluggishly walked to her locker. With only had one class left having it be P.E., she was "so excited."

     Kelsey crouched to open her locker which, was on the bottom. She was planning to do her Geometry work during detention, and once that was over, she would get the rest of her homework and finish it by that night.

    Right as she was putting her science book away, a shadow snuck up behind her.

   "Hey, Kelsey." A familiar voice greeted.

    She took a quick glance behind her to find her friend Gabriel Colnies. He was carrying his backpack with one shoulder as his hand brushed through his dark brown hair.

    She lazily replied. "Hey, Gabe."

"So I heard you got detention..." he trailed off.

She sighed. "Has it really spread that fast?"

"Yup." He leaned against the locker beside her. "You know not much goes on, around here." he gestured towards the school.

"Yeah right." Just last week there was some kind of chemical leak that made everybody go crazy. She wasn't there though, she had to miss out since she had the flu. "Can you do me a favor."

 The term favor was similar to a solid in their friendship. If the person breaks the favor, then they owe the other person something.

He shrugged. "Sure."

"Don't say anything about my detention." She stood up and began to walk towards the locker rooms. "C'mon we have to get ready for P.E." 


Hello readers, this is my first fan fiction so please leave reviews. Also if you're wondering where the original Trollhunters characters are, I promise that they will be mentioned in the next chapter.

[DISCONTINUED]The Wielder Of Night ■Trollhunters Fanfic■Where stories live. Discover now