Chapter Fifteen

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     It's something I made.


     Something that Gabe sent me. What do you think of it?

     No, that wouldn't work either. Penny knew Gabe couldn't even draw a  decent stick figure.

     After a minute of thinking, Kelsey finally texted.

     That was meant for Gabe. Sorry.

     Not even a second went by before her phone dinged.

     I should've known. That nerd enjoys this type of fantasy crap.

       "Um, you're Kelsey right?" a voice interrupted.

     Her head shot up, recognizing the voice of Claire Nunez. The memory of Toby and her Claire's staff popped up in her mind. Kelsey's eyes grew wide as her jaw dropped as she stared at the oblivious brunette.

     After a moment of silent, Claire asked. "Are you okay?"

     Kelsey stuttered a quick yes while looking down. After her fight with Amber, she didn't know if she could trust Claire. From what Kelsey remembered, Claire's staff had a similar style to Amber's spear. If she was involved with the whole goblin thing, Kelsey could've asked Claire about it. Although if she did, she didn't know which side Claire was on.

     Claire might've been something like Amber. Even if she wasn',t Kelsey still had no clue what stand Claire had on the beasts. Sure, she was against the goblins but since Kelsey had no idea what was going on, or how many sides there were to this strangeness, she couldn't risk it opening up to Claire.

     "What are you doing here?" Kelsey asked eyes glued to the ground.

     "I'm just on my way to return some books to the library." Claire answered, bring holding up two old withering books.

     "Oh," Kelsey squinted trying to spot the title. "What are they about?"

     Claire opened her mouth to answer as another voice echoed through the hallway.

     "Hey!" Gabe called as he ran up to the two girls.

     "Hi, uh... Gabe?"

     "Yup, and you're Claire?"

     She nodded in reply. Kelsey quickly tugged on his elbow before excusing the both herself and Gabe.

      "Well, uh Gabe. We need to talk. See you later Claire."

     Kelsey barely heard Claire's response as she dragged Gabe down the hall.

     As she continued down the hall, she could hear Gabe's confused babbles, yet ignored him as another thought consumed her mind and it wasn't to question how fast Gabe got there.

     Both Claire and Toby had weapons. Both hung out with Jim. Jim is now missing. Putting two and two together, Kelsey's mind began to buzz. If Claire and Toby were beasts, there was a huge chance that Jim was a victim.  Her heart shook in fear thinking that the last thing he saw was his friends in their monstrous troll forms...

     And she did not want to take his place.


Apologies for my absence. As you know I had many problems with the story; laptop, characters, and plot.

I was stuck with how I was going to transition from one thing to another, but I got it done with this short chapter and will be deleting the last two.

And if you're mad about how short this is, go ahead and tell me in the comments and release your rage. I accept full responsibility for my defaults.

I love you all.

[DISCONTINUED]The Wielder Of Night ■Trollhunters Fanfic■Where stories live. Discover now