Chapter Seven

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I know I said that I would update yesterday, but we all know that life is unfair and doesn't like to go by our schedule. So here's the next chapter and I hope that you are having a great day-or-night. Wherever you are in the world I hope that you're doing well.


        A small noise echoed through her head and slowly it got louder and louder. Kelsey shot up gasping for breath. She looked around to find herself back in her bedroom. She was still in bed. It was a dream. None of it was real.

        She looked at her ringing phone laying on her desk. She checked the time real quick to find out it was almost eight-thirty in the morning then she answered.


        "Good morning Kelsey!" Amber's voice boomed from the phone.

        "Morning Amber."

        "Hey, I know it's early but can you take a job for me?"

        Kelsey was confused. Why would she ask that in the morning?

        "What kind of job?"

        A nervous chuckle came through.

        "Well, I took a job to take care of a couple's dog for a week, while they're on vacation, but my grandma got sick so I'm going to help her. You only have to work the weekend! I'll be back tomorrow night."

        "Um." Kelsey began to think. Did she really want this? Didn't she want to have a free weekend? She wanted to relax since Penny was going to a friends house and her dad was supposed to work all morning.

        "Please," Amber begged. "You're the sixth person I called."

        Kelsey sighed making up her mind. "Fine."

        That earned a sigh from Amber.

        "Oh, my gosh! Thank you! I'll text you the address-Oh! also the key should be hidden underneath a blue stone close to the door. Thank you! You're a lifesaver!"

        "No problem Amber. I hope your grandma gets better."

        "Thanks, I hope so too. Bye Kelsey."

        "Bye, Amber."

        She pushed her blanket off and headed downstairs for breakfast. She only had cereal that morning.

         Amber texted that Kelsey was allowed to eat any snacks left in a marked cupboard. She even sent the Wi-Fi password, informing Kelsey that the dog was small,  shy, and shouldn't be much of a hassle.

        On that day Kelsey decided to wear a simple outfit; a loose sweater and black leggings. She brought a small bag with her that carried her phone, phone charger, and some personal items. She made sure to lock her door before she left. Surprisingly the house wasn't that far. It was almost a ten-minute walk.

        When she was about halfway there, she remembered about her project. The school was in the opposite direction, past her house. She decided to get it later in the day. As she continued down the sidewalk, she sent a quick text to her dad about her job so he wouldn't get worried.

        When Kelsey neared the house she saw how it appeared to be made of bricks. It was one story and had a small stone pathway leading to the front door. The stones were painted white, blue or were left to their natural gray tone.

        Kelsey walked up to the door, turned and spotted the closest blue stone. It was smaller than the others allowing anyone to easily lift it. Underneath she found a bronze key in a ziplock bag.

[DISCONTINUED]The Wielder Of Night ■Trollhunters Fanfic■Where stories live. Discover now