Chapter Eight

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Funny story: My little brother once asked me if I'd rather be a donut or beautiful? My answer was "What's the difference?"

Now, back to the story.


        Kelsey's legs moved quicker than ever. She heard them drawing near as she ran for her life. She needed to get home but would need to get the keys out of her backpack before she got to the front door. She probably wouldn't have time to do that, judging from the grunts she heard. They were drawing near.

        As her home reached her view, she took a second to think before running towards her backyard fence. The tall wooden gate was never locked since it usually got stuck. She rammed into it, forcing it open then slammed it shut. Finally, she darted towards the back door and entered the safety of her house.

        Kelsey leaned against the closed door. She found herself in the kitchen, gasping for air. In her mind, she was begging that they weren't going to break in.

        "Kelsey?" Her father's voice came from the upstairs.

        She heard each stepped as he reached the bottom. Once he saw her, his face was filled with confusion. "What happened to you?"

        Kelsey's eyes went wide as she realized that the strange creatures could hurt him or Penny.

        "Dad! We have to call the cops! there are these-these... Monsters! Outside! They chased me from school!" She walked up to him. "Where's Penny?!"

        Mr. Stone did nothing. He just stood there with concern.

        Kelsey continued. "I swear, it's the truth! I saw them with my own eyes!"
All he did was close his eyes and sighed.


        "Kelsey, tell me what they looked like."

        "They were small a-and green! They were like frogs, but with big ears! Maybe even claws. I-I didn't get a good look since I was running most of the time."

        "Okay." He opened his eyes. "You  promise this isn't a prank?"


        "Okay then." He walked towards the back door.

        "What are you doing?"

        "I'm going to check if they're still there."

        "Why?! You don't know what they can do!"

        "Well, what did I ever do to them?"

        "What?" What did he mean? That didn't make any sense to Kelsey.

        Without another word he walked straight to the back door and opened it. Scared that he might get hurt, Kelsey grabbed a knife and followed him. He continued to walk towards the fence gate.

        She watched as he struggled to open the gate, as her arm slowly raised the knife, getting ready to attack. However, once he got it open there was nothing but the quiet neighborhood.

        Kelsey let out a sigh of relief. "They probably left." then lowered the knife.

        Her dad said nothing returning inside. He only began to speak when he sat down at the dining table.

        After putting down the knife, Kelsey joined her father. "I know you didn't see them but trust me, they're real!"

        "Kelsey, do you remember the stories you used to tell us when you were younger?"

        "No. Why does that matter?"

        "When you were a toddler you used to tell your mom and I stories. Remember?"

        She shook her head.

     "When we asked you where you heard it from, you said that a troll named Heather- or something told you. You said you saw him in your dreams. We heard a lot of stories from you, and you loved to talk about trolls, goblins, and pixies. You even drew them, and when you drew goblins they were green and had small bodies. You even told us that they had glowing yellow eyes."

        Kelsey sat there speechless. How was she suppose to react? Did she see them when she was younger and thought that it was a dream?

        After a minute she manages to let out a stutter. "D-Do you th-think I'm lying?"

       "No." he looked at her. "But I feel like your putting too much work on yourself."

        Kelsey had taken a nap that day so she should've been fine.

        Mr. Stone continued. "I know you don't want to disappoint your mother and me, or your friend, but you should take it easy."

        She inhaled. "Listen, I wasn't tired and my minds fine" Other than the annoying voice.

        "And you're sure the goblins exist?" he raised a brow.

        "Y-yeah..." She wasn't' so if goblins were the right word for the monsters, but she was sure they existed.

        He leaned back in his chair while rubbing his temples. "Okay, I'll call the police and report them that you were followed by... someone."

Kelsey was surprised of this response. "O-Okay."

Seeing her father so stressed, she stood without a word and headed to her room.

[DISCONTINUED]The Wielder Of Night ■Trollhunters Fanfic■Where stories live. Discover now