Chapter Seventeen

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     She didn't have any sense of direction. She had no knowledge of where Jim Lake Jr. lived. Yet a strange feeling inside her seemed to be leading her to where she needed to go.

     The feeling that was stirring inside her was not only worried, yet yearning. She needed to see Jim, to make sure he was safe... But it wasn't only him who came to her mind. Opilio, she also had the feeling that she wanted to see him too, as if it had been thousands of years. All she knew was that she had to see one of them, in real life, to stop this sad, wanting, grieving feeling.

     Surprisingly it let her towards the school, more like a bridge near the school actually. It was dark so there are no cars, people maybe not even a living soul.

     Kelsey felt discouraged. There was nothing and the feeling that she had grew worse she she felt anxiety and tension for fear of something must have happened to the boy, who she never spoke to until that day.

     The feeling grew and grew until it weighed her down, literally.

Her body slammed down onto the bridge and was dragged to one of them to the other end as if someone was pulling her foot. It stopped just before ended and continued on to the road.

For some reason, Kelsey wasn't scared and a voice spoke in her head once more.


    "Victorinus..." Kelsey breathed, standing up.

     She followed his voice going under the bridge.

     But there's nothing there.

     The feeling this time escalated instead of dawning her. Panic arose as she begged for some forced to show her where Jim or Opilio were.

     She heard the voice again of Victorinus, who calmed her nerves as he spoke the words, which once shook her.

To protect those under the moonlight, Night choose me to fight!

      There was the recognize flash from before, and she was back in the old "costume" she wore before. Except for this time, the hood was lower and stopped at a point in front of her face. Similar to an owl's beak.

     She felt a surge of power from her left arm before it jerked towards a wall under the bridge. She found the bow in her grip, glowing with an arrow already appearing.

     Although she couldn't pull on the string easily before, she felt her right arm surge with power. She raised the bow towards the wall, held the string quite easily, and released.

     There was the pull again and she allowed herself to be pulled away like a leaf in a river and just like that... she found herself surrounded by blue lights.

     A crystal staircase appeared before her, attached to the wall of round walls of a cave. She looked down and found the bottom not too far. She was so starstruck by the warm blue glow, she had forgotten why she was there.

Hurry Stone, we do not have much time to waste.

     Shaking her head, she fled down the stairs and soon came upon lights.

     Many lights.

     Thousands and thousands scattered in front of her, but the main one source came from one giant-

Heartstone. Keep going.

     She obeyed Victorinus, feeling a pull in a certain direction. She brushed passed many beasts-


     She passed many trolls along the way, yet none seemed to frighten her as none they seemed to notice her at all.

     Kelsey was soon within a narrow pathway with no troll in sight. It ended leading to a narrower path with no walls, having both sides end on a ledge. She didn't know how long the fall was, having the bottom enveloped by darkness, yet it didn't scare her as she broadly walked across the path.

     At the other side was flat ground with high pedestals holding statues of trolls.

     Kelsey stopped near the center as her eyes began dashing from one statue to another, trying to find Opilio.

     But she couldn't.

     She checked again.

     He wasn't there.

     Was he not good enough? Why? was he not brave? Opilio! Where was the body of Victorinus's old friend?! And how does it show off Unkar yet not Opilio?!

Where is-

     "- Opilio?" Kelsey whispered as her mind began to get scrambled with Victorinus. "Where is Opilio?" They repeated, over and over until they were screeching out, trying to find the beloved Trollhunter.

     They didn't stop until the ground began to shake. Now silenced, Kelsey turned towards something emerging from the ground.

     It was a stone troll head casting a red light from its mouth and six eyes. It didn't say a word, yet it called to her.

     Kelsey's body lurched forward. Her legs sprinted forward, climbing the head until she was within reach to throw her arm into the mouth, and within a second the mouth snapped shut as everything turned black.

     When Kelsey's eyes snapped open, she was laying on the floor looking up at the pedestals. She felt weak and tired. She didn't hear Victorinus in her head or felt any surge of power. She began questioning why she was there and where she was exactly. Her head was pounding as she doubted her recent actions. She turned her head, finding many things different as she peeked through her hood. The strange head was nowhere to be found yet she could hear other people in the room.

     "There's nothing here." Kelsey knew this voice of a certain annoying ginger. "Were they messing with us?"

     And she already knew who was with him before they responded.

     "I don't think so, Toby," Claire answered. "Why would they lie about someone being in here?"

     "Perhaps, it was a Gnome, messing about." Kelsey couldn't recognize this voice.

     She got up in seconds and began to walk towards them. They didn't seem to notice her loud, lazy footsteps as she approached. She noticed the hammer and staff in their grip. Along with them, was another beast.

     He had a big head and six eyes, like the statue.

     Curious about the weapons Kelsey leaned in. She wondered what Claire staff could do and how Toby could carry such a giant hammer. Maybe she was missing something. She grabbed her hood and pulled it down to get a better look.

     Next thing she heard was a shriek from Toby before seeing orange and then black once more.


So this was a pretty messy chapter to make but It's here... So tell me what's good, what's bad and I hope you have a good MLK Jr. Day. Make sure you think about and reflect how much MLK has changed the world. He was a strong man in a tough times.

[DISCONTINUED]The Wielder Of Night ■Trollhunters Fanfic■Where stories live. Discover now