Words Are Gonna Burn (4th book in TIASFTF Series)

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"Oh....Allison. Aren't you happy to see me?" My mother said. I stood still and didn't say anything.

"What happened to Corey? I remember he lived right down the street but apparently a old couple lives there now."

"He's in hell where you should be too! What the fuck is wrong with you! You were whoring around with people and had kids with them and you only stayed with us until apparently you faked your own fucking death. Night tried to fucking rape me and kill Bret. Jessie was being totured by Paul until I took her away! Go burn in hell you fucking dumbass!" I slammed the door on her.

Jessie came down and saw me how I was now crying on the ground. She then went for the door after I told her not to fucking open it.

"Oh look the whore is back from the grave." Jessie said. I got up and wiped my tears away and stood behind Jessie with my hand on her shoulder firm and tight.

"Look girls I just want to talk. Can we talk tomorrow at dinner, my treat?"

"Not unless you want me to strangle you at the table." I murmured.

"We can't if we even wanted to we leave for tour tonight." Jessie said.

"Oh yes I heard that you were famous Allison. I never thought you would like to sing and be emo." Just then I lunged at her but Bret pulled me back.

"I am not fucking emo you dumbass! Im not scene or goth or any of that shit go burn in hell before you judge me you asshole! Jessie close the door!" She slammed the door and Bret let me down. I brushed the metaphorical dust off of me. Everyone came in and asked what was happening and I told them. I was very pissed off now and I wanted to punch something but i didnt wanna break my hand.

I found a bat and I went into the backyard and whacked it at a fucking tree. Bret then pulled me away from it. I started crying and he held me in his arms and whispered its gonna be ok in my ear. He cradled me and whsipered in my ear over and over. I never wanna see that bitch again!

My so called mother that I grew up with that I thought was a harmless angel is dead alright . That person at my doorstep was not my mother and it wasnt Jessie's either. I'd rather go to hell then call that woman mom!

Bret reminded me we have to get onto the road for New York. I went upstairs and packed my makeup and shampoo and everything in a little bag and threw it in my duffle bag i had with everything else. The sooner I get the fuck outta here the better. She knows where I live now and she can go fuck herself too. Everyong that was there left and Tyler was going to pick us up in the van.

When the van got there I threw all my shit in the bag but I was still careful not to hurt the drums. Austin was driving my band's van and getting everyone in my band. I sat in the corner of the vans seats and I hid myself with my hoodie. I didn't want to speak to anyone ever again right at the moment. Im too frustrated.

Blade then texted me.



Jessie told me what happened will you be ok?

No I feel like shit. How dare our mother show up and call me emo and not explain how we thought she was dead since I was fucking 13! i grew up with Corey that piece of shit of a dad. How dare she leave me with him and leave Jessie with Paul how fucking dare she!

I understand do you want me to get Austin to pull over so I can be there with you?

No Im fine I got Bret

I locked my phone and scooted over to Bret and laid my head on his chest and he held me there. Jessie seemed to be fine which I can understand since Abby never meant anything to her ever. I how ever thought she was a saint for years upon years after her so called death.

I just wanna get to New York and I wanna play that show and tour until i cant breathe anymore cause this is what I was born to do and I shall fufill it till i say I wont anymore. Then i got a text from an unknown number but it has a D.C. area code.

Can we talk about this-Mom

How the fuck did she get my fucking number???? I locked my phone once more after deleting the text she had sent. How does she have the fucking nerve to text me. I sighed and snuggled into Bret and fell asleep from all the anger coursing through me. I dreamt of when the day I thought Abby died damn I cried for days. It didnt help that Corey was drunk as hell everyday after that.

She can fucking burn in hell before I forgive her ass. I dont care if im holding a grudge because she is the fucking reason Im like this all insecure of myself and sad a lot . Fuck her and everything. I woke up eventually and Bret was asleep. We were stopped at a gas station. I got up and hopped over the seat and opened the door. I went into the gas station and got some chocolate and candy and monsters. I paid for it and got back in the van. I saw Jessie had went on my band's van so she could snuggle with Blade.

I want Jessie to have a good life from now on and if that means no mother than so be it. Abby doesnt deserve us at all because shes a fucking bitch. I settled and drank my moster and threw the other one at Alex. Summer came in the van with her weird coffee crap and drank it. (Summer is Brandon's girlfriend) I sighed and ate some of the chocolate. Its gonna be a loooooong night.


So what do you think so far of the new book! Do you like it! Also if you havent read the other 3 books in this series then you're fucking lost ahaha just go to my page and the first on is This Is A Song For The Forgotten!

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