You're Just Another Mistake

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I woke up the next morning and we were already at the next venue. I yawned and sat up to see Blade protectively cuddling Jessie. I smiled at them and remembered I was single now. Oh hey I get to flirt with whomever I please now! He can't control me anymore! What a fucking dick!

I smiled and sat up. Then someone knocked on the fucking window. Holy Shit! Oh its just Anthony. I sighed and opened the door and got my makeup bag and clothes and got out. I walked to the bathroom and he followed me. I walked in the bathroom and unzipped my makeup bag and started on my makeup while Anthony sat on the counter next to me.

"You look better without your makeup...." He said and looked at the ground.

"Ha please i look like death."

He stayed quiet and i went into one of the stalls to change into my clothes. I came out and did my hair real quick. Then me and him went to out my stuff up and I woke the band up. Me and him then went skipping around and I showed him the stge and everything.

"Hey wanna do something awesome?"


I smiled and went back to the band van I rummaged through my backpack and found my air horn. Hehe. Then I dragged him to the Relapse Symphony's van. Bret is sooooooooooo gonna hate me. It'll be funny as hell though! I quietly slid the door open and quickly blowed the air born loud. Tyler jolted up sounding like a demon and Bret hit his head. Brandon tossed and turned and Alex hit his head on the steering wheel. Summer hid her face in Brandon's chest and Amanda sat in her seat quietly. JC however was no where in sight.

I fell on my back laughing my ass off and so was Anthony. Bret got up and looked super fucking pissed.

"Worthless piece of shit!!" That stopped my laughing and he slammed the door. I won't lie that hurt me a lot inside. I ran to the BOTDF's bus and crawled in Jays bunk. He groaned but saw it was me and snuggled me like I was his little sister. To be fair I practically was since he left his family when he became famous.

Anthony was pacing in the living room area wondering why I was upset. Jayy sat up and hugged me tight.

"What's wrong my little bunny?"

"I went to scare the Relapse Symphony awake and when i did i laughed and Bret said i was a 'Worthless piece of shit.'." 

"Awe bunneh." He snuggled me close and I sighed and his words ringed in my ears. I was doing just fine until Bret said that.

Just then Dahvie ran through the bus screaming. Jay sighed.

"Dahvie shut the fuck up Im talking to Allison!" He screamed. Then Dahvie ripped the curtain open and looked at me.

"Awe what did Bret do this time." I shook my head and crawled out. I jumped down and said my goodbyes. I got Anthony and went to go see Farewell My Love. I needed my puff ball. I also needed to make sure and see if muscle man was ok. I knocked on there door and puff ball opened it.

"Whats up Alli?"

"Nothin came to see how muscle man is..."

"Oh you didn't hear? We are leaving after this show."


"Yeah hes really bad sick."

"Awe! Can we see him?" he nodded and moved so i could crawl into the small van. i saw muscle man curled up in blankets and everything and he was still shivering! I snuggled next to him and he smiled.

"My red head came to see me!" He exclaimed and coughed.

I smiled and snuggled him close.

"I'll always be here for you muscle man!!!" I giggled. I looked and saw Anthony bonding with puff ball. 

"Wheres Bret?" 

"Hes too busy calling girls like me worthless pieces of shit." I said and snuggled.

"He did not! Ima kick his ass!!!" He said loud then went into a coughing fit.

"Shhh muscle man! Its fine! Calm down."

"So who's taking your place?"

"Davey Suicide and Fearless Vampire Killers are coming."

"Oh shit!"


"Davey has a thing for Mixi."

"Oh shit man."


"Well i gotta go muscle man I has to show my new friend around before the day is over." I kissed his cheek and I got up and we left. Anthony had his hands in his pockets and he kicked rocks as he walked. I got the idea to go out to eat to a place next door. It was a burger joint but hey it was still food!

We both ordered a burger and fries and got it a few minutes after. i paid for the meal and we went to sit down. He talked about his life a little bit. He's wanting to move somewhere far and away from his mom whos been a drunk ever since his dad left them and never came back. He then got the idea to move to where I am.

"No no where I live is like fucking hell most of the time."

"I dont care if you are there is a fucking oasis in the dessert. You'd make it worth the while." i shook amy head at him and continued to eat while I thought of wy he was saying all this shit. I then stopped dead in my tracks....he has a crush on me...of course he does he was one of my fans to begin with!!!! He helped me in the bathroom as well! Of course it was him who loved me. bret hated me and Anthony saw an opening. Anthony is nice but I dont know about him .......I just met him. Plus if I did go with  him Bret would think it'd prove i cheated on him with Anthony. Fuck what Bret thinks!!! I hate him anyway!

I sighed and finished my food and me and Anthony went back and I did the show and said my last goobyes to Anthony.....



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