All These Years Of Reckless Love

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Brets PoV

You have noooo clue how much I did want Allison but I knew that she doesnt fully trust me yet and thats shes just drunk. I got away from underneath her and ran for the door and locked her in the room with a chair and I could hear her banging on the door and then soon gave up and went to bed. I was actually proud of myself for pulling away like that. I walked down the steps and laid on the couch and grabbed a blanket from the side and covered myself with it and snuggled into the couch. I sighed quietly as sleep overcame me.

Allison POV

I woke up with a banging headache and I was laying on Bret's bed and my shirt was off. Wait what the hell happened last night? Did I get drunk and me and Bret had sex? Oh hell no! Fuck! Its my fault but how could he just take advantage of me like that? He wasnt drunk! I got a tshirt on and walked for the door. I tried to open it but it was blocked with something./ Well shit. I guess he locked me in here too! Fucking hell man! I pulled my phone out and called Mixi.

"Get your ass up now! I need your help Bret blocked me in my room and I can't get out!"

"Jesus you woke me up!."

"And i could give less fucks come on! Tyler can wait."

"Jeez fine bitch!" She hung up on me and I could hear her footsteps and then the door swung open. She was holding  a goddamned chair! What is this the motherfucking movies? I groaned and charged downstairs to find Bret asleep on the couch! I went to the kitchen and got a cold glass of water and dumped it on him. He immediately shot upwards.

"What the hell man?!!"

"You sorry motherfucking bastard! How could you take advantage of me like that you should know i don't fully trust you right now and now you'll probably never get it!" I threw the glass down and charged upstairs but Bret was yelling at me from the livingroom calling my name. I slammed the door to our room and started packing. We were leaving today and i was going to be the first one outta here! i saw something fall from my face and hit my boot.

I was crying. Why the hell was I crying?

"Allison! I didn't sleep with you!" Bret said banging at the door.

"I didnt! You were drunk and you came onto me and i locked you in your room so you couldnt come rape me in my sleep or something! I knew you wouldn't approve of it when you came to reality!" I opened the door slowly and he was looking at me with puffy eyes that looked like he was crying . I quickly hugged him tight and he embraced me.

I slowly tilted my head up and kissed Bret. He seemed shocked and a taken back though. I did believe it because now that I think of it im not waddling around like a fucking penguin so i know we didnt do it. He started to kiss back finally and his hands brushed my cheeks and his fingers ran through my hair. I had my baby back and I loved him.

We pulled apart and he looked into my eyes searching for a response.

"I love you Bret and I think i'm ready to trust you again since you did that last night." She smiled and kissed me with everything he had as I wrapped my arms around his neck bringing him closer to me. I kissed back more and it might have gone farther but Mixi cleared her throat behind us. We slowly pulled apart and I licked my lips tasting the taste of his lips. He smiled and turned so he was at my side and we were both looking at Mixi.


"Get to packing you sick lovey dovey couple." She said and walked off. I smiled and took him into the room and we got to packing and then making out on the bed then packing again. XD. I finished packing and dropped down on my bed watching Bret pack his shit. He had more stuff then I did. I started laughing at him when he kept dropping his hair straightener on the ground and he smiled and finished up then laid on me like seriously fucking planked me,

"Get off of meh!!!!!!!"

"Nevah not til yous give me kisses!!!!" 

"Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww no!!!!!!!!!"

"FineIll lay on you."

"But I'll die!"

"Too bad. Your tombstone will say died of suffocation because she wouldn't give her boyfriend kisses!":

"Fuck!" i tried pushing him off but that encouraged him to put more of his weight on me!

"You stupid bastard. Fine Ill give you kisses."

"Yay!" I kissed him deeply then softly and he slowly got off of me like promised.

"Good girl." He said and petted my head.

"Bastard." I muttered and he smiled and got his bags. I hopped up and got my bags and we both dragged them down the stairs. I saw jC and he was complaining how heay his bags were.

"Well if you didn't have so much hair stuff it wouldnt be that heay would it?" I told him.

"Hey who had your back when you needed hairspray last tour huh? Yeah!" He said and I laughed.

"Ass!" I said back and that earned a smile from him.

"Well lets go kick some ass !" Brandon shouted.

We all laughed and took all our stuf back into the vans and everything. Jessie went with Blade like always and they were still happy as ever and I was happy they were so happy together. I looked around the house and smiled as I shut the door.


GUYS IM SO FUCKING SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED THIS STORY IN A MONTH! Im having guy probs and Im writing a new book that will be released on here when I finish the book :) I've also been having troubles with my stupid internet the fucking lightning fried my router and modem!

I love you guys!

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