15 years

15 0 0

The time was fifteen years later after I have given birth. It was Alex's 15th birthday and her band was playing a concert at her school musical. I was so proud of her. They potentially have a record deal and everything. Full ride. My band hardly tours but we do on occasion. The Relapse Symphony got signed to a new label and they have been touring since then but its slowed down over the past 5 years.

Mixi and Luis were married and so were Jessie and Blade. Jessie and Blade had two kids and Mixi and Luis had 3. I was god mother of 2 kids now. Danene and Austin had another kid since LaShaye and LaShaye was 16 almost 17 by now.  Doctors said that it'd be near impossible for me to have another baby. But here I am 6 months pregnant with Alex's brother. It was a long time to wait but we wanted to make sure she was loved every second of every day.

Alex has her driver's permit as of today and I know Bret is gonna have fun teaching his little girl how to drive. Alex was so beautiful. She had Bret's hair color and his eyes. She had my body structure though and her face was definitely from me. Bret and I were still 15 years going strong. We've had our far share of fights but we love each other too much to not be together.

Alex has shown sign of depression but she isn't as bad as I was and I thank god everyday for that even though I don't believe in him. Bret has gone mostly vegan and he loves it. I however am pregnant and eat what I please. The bands were over at my house and we were gonna car pool in 3 cars to Alex's show. Alex went down there a little early to help set up. Her band was called Blood Rain. She sings just like her parents but she also plays bass.

She has a boyfriend and her name is Blake. Blake is in the band with her and he really loves her. If anything Alex would hurt him before he ever would and that makes me happy to see her happy at such a young age. Her band covered some of my songs and they did some of their own. I helped her write some and they have an ep.

"Hey baby are you ready to go?" Bret asked me coming up behind me.

"Yeah I am." I smiled and he took my hand as we strolled out of the house and everyone followed. We all got into the cars we were supposed to and drove to the venue. When we got there we had made posters to wave in the crowd to seem like fangirls. It was so awesome. Made me feel young again. Keep in mind I'm 36. When we walked in we saw the lights start to dim and the show started. We all ran to the crowd and we cheered and screamed so loudly.  I saw Alex on stage and she was signing with her band and playing the bass. I felt my heart swell with happiness. My babygirl is following her dreams. Before I know it she may be on tour soon. With me of course.

As they were playing Alex saw us and smiled as she sung. When their set was over we all ran backstage to congratulate them. This was may baby girls day. Bret smiled with so much happiness and he looked so proud of her. Blake came up behind her and kissed her gently. Bret tensed but eased up. He knows that shes in love and Blake also knows that Blake would beat his ass. Psh I'd beat his ass. My family was never there for me so I am being there for my child all of the time. Alex is a senior. She is so smart she skipped some grades and the rest of her band is either already graduated schooled online.

I don't think Bret was ready for this. Her 15th birthday. Then again I hardly was. When her band tore down the set we all went home where LaShaye and Danene had come home early to decorate. They were always up to something creative. LaShaye wants to be a singer but she thinks she'll end up being a photographer in the long run. She is a junior this year and she graduates next year. I can remember when I held her in my arms for the first time.

When we got home everyone hid and turned off the lights. As Alex's van pulled up with her band members in it we all got ready to spring out . Alex opened the door with Blake having an arm around her waist. We all jumped out and screamed 'Surprise!'.  She was almost scared shitless and we all laughed. Alex came over as we lit the candles on her cake. She blew them all out after making her wish and singing to her.

My baby is 15 years old... I can't believe it. I remember me sitting in my room and my phone going off with

"This is a song for the forgotten, we're here to make our voices known."

A tear streamed down my face as my mind went through every moment all from day 1 of when I met Bret. Where it all started. You see tue love does exist and it produces beautiful offspring. This life is mine and its perfect. Alex is perfect. My soon to be child is perfect. Everything is perfect.....


Omg guys! This is the last chapter of this series! I wasn't ready for it and you guys probably weren't either. I am so proud of this series and I loved writing every moment of it! I hope you enjoyed it! I will still be writing on Love, Music, And Heartbreak  and Dr. Strange Bomb until further notice. I hope you guys will check those stories out! I love you guys and thank you for making this series the most read series I have! I love you guys and stay strong! I am always here for you no matter what.

Bye <333333

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