Stop Talking, Its My Turn!!

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"Don't bother coming in my van tonight!" Bret shouted looking at me and the boy that had found me crying here. Bret stomped out and i began to cry again. Fucking hell! Thats it im not gonna cry for him any longer. I stood up and I chased after Bret.

"If you'd listen to me before make accusations you dick you'd know something you fucktard!" I screamed at hima and he stopped dead in his tracks.

"Don't you dare do that Allison Fey!'

"Or fucking what!?'

"You haven't fucking touched me in so fucking long! Is that your new boy toy Allison? Huh? You fucking whore!"

"Fucking ass hole! When you acted like you hated my fucking guts I ran into the bathroom and I guess one of my fans came to check on me you dumbass! If you'd get your fucking facts straight maybe you could have a girlfriend more then 4 months at a time! I loved you and I would never ever cheat on you! My mother is making think so much about how it'll affect me and Jessie if I let her back in my heart! But now I know to never let you back in mine cause you broke it! I am not a whore and I will never will be!" I screamed and ran away/

As I was running away I bumped into this tall figure that smelled of whiskey and weed. Jayy. I hugged him tight and he held me tight. He pulled me into their tour bus and I told him everything that happened and he called Luis over and Jessie and when they came I told it again. Luis automatically walked out the bus to find Bret and kick his ass.

Jessie tried to calm me down and everything but it didn;t work. Then there was a knock at the door. Jessie opened it and it was Luis with the kid that came to me in the bathroom. Luis has blood on his knuckles and went to wash them off in the bathroom. The guy that had checked on my was silent and looked scared.

"This is Anthony. Hes the one that helped you in the bathroom." Luis spoke drying off his knuckles. I smiled towards Anthony trying to suck up my tears. It of course did not work though and I was sitting in Jayys lap crying.

" I was just trying to help Allison! I swear to it that I was. You helped me with your lyrics and everything and I thought i could return the favor by helping you because you seemed so sad and everything..... I guess I ruined everything though..."

"Hey this isn't your fault ok I promise. If anything its me and Bret's fault..." I spoke and my tears found a stopping point and Jessie took me from Jayy's lap and hugged me ever so tightly.

" I asked Blade if we could stay with him when tours over and he said we could." She whispered. I nodded and hid my face. Suddenly Dahvie came in high as hell. Jayy quickly shooed him away back to the bunks.

"Can you play the show tonight?" Luis asked whispering in my ear.

"Yeah...the fans that came for us deserve it...I'll do the show and the meet and greet and everything but I will not drive the van tonight." Jessie chuckled and shook her head.

I sat up and turned to Anthony. He looked so  sad and hurt and everything. I saw his wrist though and it had bruises all over and scars that danced his skin. I shook my head and crawled to him and gave him a huge hug.

"Thank you for being there for me Anthony it helps knowing that i know you now." I kissed the top of his head and I gave him my phone number.

"Now I don't wanna see this all over twitter ok?" He chuckled and nodded.

"Hey Luis get Anthony a backstage pass alright?" Luis nodded and went to go get one.

"That bastard isn't going to slow down my life this time. Ever again for the matter."

I march off the bus to go and try Farewell My Love. I find them and I jumped on Rob's back. 

"Puff ball!"

"Red!" He exclaimed back and pulled me off his back for a hug.

"How ya been Red?" He asked.

"Not so good."

"awe tell meh?"

I told him and pretended to fully brush it off but a place in my heart hurt everytime I heard his name. But I have to get over him now. After I was done Rob  hugged me tight.

"So are you staying the whole tour?" I asked him.

"I don't know our singer is getting pretty sick."

"Who muscle man? Never!"

" I know right!? Well I got to go Red. Say Hi to Jessie for me!"

He then pranced off to find his band that were going on stage right now. I then went off to the green room needing some booze!!  When I got in there I saw Bret. His nose was sooooo fucked up because Luis punched him. Some stuck up girls were tending to him as well. I dismissed it and went to the beer keg. 

"Hey Alli want some beer?" Tyler offered. I smiled and a hand stand on the keg  and Tyler put a alot in my mouth and I swallowed it all and let myself down and everyone clapped and everything. I smiled and got some vodka and walked out of the green room strutting and drinking. I went to watch Farewell My Love perform. You could tell Ryan was sick. They finished the set and Ryan went straight for the van. I guess he really is sick . 

The Relapse Symphony went next and Bret pushed passed me and I tripped him.  He quickly got up to make it look like he meant it and jumped onstage. He then put his leg up on the speaker and i heard a rip....Holy shit his crotch bursted open! I laughed a little but I just walked away since he didn't get off stage or anything. Well I will be hearing about that later..... he'll think i did it to him.

Soon I gathered my band up and we went on after TRS. We rocked that stage!!!!! I called out a hater but I kept the crowd pumped up! They even started a mosh pit! Soon I crowd surfed as well!!! I got touched in places i didn't want to be but hey you gotta expect that  from a crowd of guy fans and girl fans !

Soon we finished and packed up for the day while BOTDF went on and Hayley Rose went on as well. I went to the merch table to see Jessie and Luis. I signed some things and then the venue closed. I got in my band's van and saw i missed a text.

?: Hey its that dude Anthony!

Alli: Hey its that weird girl Allison!

Anthony: lol I enjoyed the show!

Alli: Good! I loved the crowd just someone touched my butt when I was crowd surfing.

Anthony: lol! XD Well i hope u guys come back soon!

Alli: I hope so too! Ill get on the next tour i can possible over there lol!

Anthony: Awesome! I'll see ya at the next show though!

alli: Really?!

Anthony: Yeah you're still in Texas Ill be there!

Alli: awesome ill see ya there!

Anthony; Alright ima go and catch some zz's

Alli: Me too! Bye

Anthony; Bye Beautiful.

Well thats cool ill ge to see a new friend tomorrow! :P


Im sorry! Dont kill me for breaking them up! lol Haven't you learned not to trust me? Haha

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