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I had another sharp pain after that. Oh fuck. I cannot be having this baby in Australia! They would never let a newborn on the plane!

"Bret!" I screamed. He  came running out I was already breathing heavy and he started freaking out.

"Get the emergency bag! I'll get the taxi." I called a taxi and they were there in minutes. They took us to a hospital where the pain got worse and worse. Its too early! They immediately took me back into the pregnancy wing and I was overcome with pain. The doctor did an examine and he seemed confused.

"False alarm. Mrs. Dehl its only Braxton Hicks contractions." Bret pretended to wipe sweat off of his brow. They gave me papers to sign for discharge and I left. We got a taxi back to the venue and when we got there the front of it was covered with fans. There was however security waiting for us. They shielded me like the president and got me into the venue. The fans were going nuts and I loved it. I just hope they would show this support when we were on stage.

I went back to the green room where the room stunk of alcohol. I walked in slightly holding my breath as I approached my band. Most of them were tipsy but Danene and Austin were sober due to taking care of LaShaye.  They all shot up and came to hug me.

"Thank god! I thought I was gonna have to sing and kill their ears!" Danene screamed hugging me tightly. I laughed and she kissed my stomach.

"It was just Braxton Hicks. Good thing we are leaving tonight because I don't wanna have my kid in a foreign country and be stuck here."

"Yeah. Ima miss it here though," Austin said kicking back. Bret grabbed a beer and sipped it lightly. I sat next to him and laid my head on his shoulder. Mixi and Luis were tipsy as per usual.

Soon they called us for soundcheck and then to perform. I was screaming at the top of my lungs with the crowd singing and I was extremely careful if I jumped. I was still gonna be the same hardcore chick that they knew and loved. Just pregnant.

"How are you fuckers doing tonight!?" The crowd screamed their heads off being so loud. I smiled from ear to ear.

"Are you motherfuckers ready for a new song!?" They screamed even louder. I smiled as the song started and I sang and screamed along with the song. I love my life. This is perfect.

When the concert was over I change clothing since being a pregnant woman means you sweat more. I then followed the rest of my band to go to the merch table. We had free meet and greets and we also had V.I.P. after the show. Meeting the fans was just so amazing. Soon free ones ended and the V.I.P. lined up at the backstage door. We walked through to get to the backstage and started the meet and greets. Some fans got me baby toys or baby clothing and it was the cutest thing ever. I got a baby biker jacket as well .

I hugged fans and thanked them and signed anything they wanted. I had conversations with them as well. My fans were so amazing and I love them. Some asked to see Bret and he would come out when I texted him.

Soon everything had ended and we got into the bus and we drove to the airport. We gathered our stuff and said goodbye to our beloved bus. Bret helped carry most of my bags and we checked them into the baggage line for the plane. We showed our tickets and boarded the plane. Everyone but me and Bret were in the midclass seats. In first class there was yet another pregnant woman and she was conversing with her husband.  I smiled over at Bret and he rubbed my pregnant stomach. I laid my head on his shoulder and slowly fell to sleep. Before I knew it I woke up to Bret shaking me awake because we were landing. I smiled and held his hand while sitting up right.

"Home at last baby." Bret smiled rubbing my knee. I smiled and kissed him gently. The plane was landed and was letting people off finally. Bret grabbed my carry on and we walked through the tunnel and into the airport. We ordered three taxis to come to the airport and we all took the taxis home to our places. When I got home I kissed Bret throwing down our bags and he smiled big. We went upstairs and celebrated being home. Before we knew it it was already 1 p.m. and we were ready for sleep. Our schedules are so fucked up.  We went to sleep in each others arms until my alarm awoke us the next day. We somehow slept the entire time. Yet when I woke up there was no Bret next to me.

I slowly got up while holding my tummy and found Bret had unpacked the bags. Done the laundry and even made breakfast. I think Jessie and Blade come over at some point last night because I saw there was more food for more than just 2 people.  I saw Bret slaving over pancakes and I smiled as I stood in the doorway.

"Hey handsome."

"Hey beautiful," he said and came over to kiss me.


"Very. But never too busy for you." I smiled and sat at the as I began eating what was already plated. Jessie and Blade soon came down groggy as ever. I love this life.


Hey guys this chapter is kind of a filler but the next chapter will be better I promise! I love you guys! Have a great day!

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Words Are Gonna Burn (4th book in TIASFTF Series)Where stories live. Discover now