Chapter Seven: Senator's daughter, my left ass

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Chapter Seven: Senator's daughter, my left ass


Carmen's scream attracted a little people's concentration towards the four before they went back to what they were doing.

The back of Carmen's 40, 000 dollars dress was ruined. She was furious at Demi for ruining her pretty dress and her conversation with Bryan.

"Your boyfriend?" Carmen scoffed "Please lady, go back to where you're coming from you cheap whore!"

Demi hated people calling her a whore. It brought back memories of her annoying sister and her highschool years.

"Who do you think you are? Calling me a whore?! Have you no shame?" Demi shook her head at Carmen who folded her arms

"I am the senator's daughter incase you do not know" Carmen replied "And who the hell are you? My drycleaner's daughter? I thought I paid you last week"

Bryan frowned deeply. He couldn't just stand there and watch someone insult his baby. If this happened 3 or 4 years ago, he could've killed anyone who dared to do such thing but that all stopped because Demi begged him to calm down.

"Hey!" Bryan hissed at Carmen "That's my girl you're talking to!"

Carmen blinked. "So now you're going against me with this bi*ch? Bry, after everything I've done for y-"
"No Carmen! Don't you dare bring up that sh!t with me" Bryan growled at her "You mean absolutely nothing to me"

Carmen groaned and turned to Demi "Because of her? Look at us, she is nothing compared to me!"

"You're right. She is nothing compared to you, She is way much better than you in every aspect" Bryan replied with a scowl on his face and tears rolled down Carmen's face

"Bry! It's me, Carmen! Are you under a spell?" Carmen sniffled "We are meant to be!"

Bryan rolled his eyes and faced away from her. Carmen was about to pull his face back to her but Demi pushed her back making her stumble and fall on her a*s.

"I said... Do not touch. My boyfriend" Demi growled out and straddled her, hitting her face and anywhere her fist landed, not paying heed to her screams "You filthy imbecile!"

Carmen trashed and screamed as Bryan and Cedric tried to pull Demi off of her but it was harder than it seems.

Couples around them backed away in fear as they witnessed the fight that happened at the side of the table.

From afar, Grace and Victoria saw what happened and came to them, joining Bryan and Cedric at their task to end the fight.

Demi was a tough woman and little did Bryan know that She hated Carmen even more than He did.

This was not the first time Carmen tried to take her Boyfriend away from her.

Demi took a tray from the table and hit Carmen with it all over her body. She couldn't stop herself and if she didn't anytime soon, Carmen was going to faint from the pain inflicted on her.

"Demi!" Grace called out "Stop this! Stop this, this instant!"

Demi breathed out sharply and stepped away from Carmen who ran away, going upstairs.

Carmen's dress was torn all over and she looked like a person who was about to starr in a horror movie.

Demi on the other hand had never felt this amount of energy running through her. She liked it as she stared at Carmen's retreating back with a scornful smirk.

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