Chapter Nine: Dear Disney part II

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Chapter Nine: Dear Disney part II


Disney giggled as chocolate smeared all over her mouth while she ate her ice cream.

"This place is amazing!" She exclaimed happily, holding her mickey mouse balloon over her head.

Yes, if you have guessed it. We are at the funfair. After Disney walked into Bryan and I having the it at our garage yesterday, we ignored her for the rest of the day because, the funny thing was that she knew what we were doing, how we were doing it, and she was smiling about it.

Bryan and I came to a conclusion to take her to the funfair today to well... Take her mind off the things she saw at the garage.

It was so awkward between the both of us after that, that Bryan began to talk about the Government. And trust me, that's the last thing you'll ever want to talk about with him.

Now, back to the present.

"Do you want to go on the bumper car with Uncle Bryan?" I ask her and she nodded in enthusiasm

"Yes yes yes!" She grinned and gave me her balloon before running into the small car with Bryan

"She's going with him?" The supervisor asked me with a straight face and I nodded "Great"

When the loud horn sounded for them to go, I cheered as Bryan raced down the lane with speed, Disney screaming with excitement.

Bryan and cars is like salt and pepper. Very sweet and good looking together but at the same time dangerous.

Bryan hit so many cars and smiled to them as their cars powered down. He hit a car with two girls in it and smirked at their drooling faces at him.

I rolled my eyes.


Bryan won fair and square and they handed him a stuffed panda bear as a gift and Disney, a brown and orange giraffe as hers.

They grinned ear to ear as they reached where I was.

"Oh my god! I didn't even notice" The supervisor ran to us and stared at Bryan with wide amazed eyes "You-you're you're Bryan Owens!"

Bryan frowned. He was the second person noticing him today after all his disguise (well, a baseball cap).

Bryan didn't like it when people noticed him when he's having fun.

"And you're Demi?" He smiled at me and my brows furrowed together

"How do you know me?" I ask

"I'm a huge fan. Please, can I get your autographs? Please" The man asked and brought out a note pad and a pen from his pocket

"O-okay" Bryan shrugged "Who am I making this out to?"

"William. William Donovan" He replied and after Bryan signed his autograph, I signed mine and gave it back to him "Thank you so much! I have met celebrities!!"

I laughed as Bryan pulled down his cap.

"This must be your daughter" William looked at Disney who was running her fingers over the rocky walls.

"Da-daughter?" Bryan choked

"No, no, she's not our- our daughter. Not that we have one but, she's not our daughter. She's our niece- his niece" I ranted and William smiled

"Your daughter will be so beautiful" He sais "After all, she will have amazing and gorgeous parents like you two"

"Thank you William" I say as Disney dragged Bryan and I to a ferris wheel

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