Chapter Nineteen: Baby daddy part II

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Knock knock

"Come in" A distant voice replied

"Good morning" I greet as I enter into Victoria's office

She looked up and folds her arms while seated "Demi! What can I do you for?"

"Umm..." I close the door behind me and sit down "I suppose you have heard the news?"

"Yes I have. It's sort of all over the net, can't help it. How's he doing by the way?" She asked "I went to the hospital yesternoon and the nurses didn't let me see him"

"Yeah Mrs Owens didn't agree for any non-family visits due to security reasons" I reply

"Oh okay. Rumor has it that it was his best friend, Kobe, shot him. Was that true?" She asked

"Eehh something like that but pft" I huffed "Rumors right?"

"Hmm" She didn't reply as she accessed me with her eyes "I suppose you'll need some days off, to be there for your fiancée?"

"Umm no I- I see him everyday after work. I spend the night. It's just been 3 days since he was admitted into the hospital" I reply

"How many days is he staying?" She asked

"21 days. It was meant to be 14 days actually but the doctor said its best to be directly under medical care till he's sure he can be alone" I reply

"All the more reason why you should be by his side" Victoria said

"I told you, it's not a big deal-"

"Can I be seriously honest with you demi?" She asked and I nod "Don't take what I say as an offense"

"Okay, I'm all ears" I straighten myself on the chair

"I just think you are down...grading yourself" She started talking

"Excuse me?" I interrupt

"Hear me out. Hear me out" she raised up a finger "Demi, you are one of the most successful actresses I know. Having up to 45 million dollar net worth for acting just a seasonal movie. I respect you for your choice on taking a break but going into stripping and assistant job is definitely not what I expected from someone like you"

"Only like a handful of people know me in the club and I love working for you" I say "you said I was the best PA you've ever had"

"Yes I said so but Demi. You are a goddess in acting and modeling. No matter the reason, you shouldn't bring yourself so low as to work for me" Victoria said

"That's pride and I don't have it. I enjoy working for you" I say

"No think about it. It's just like having Beyonce working as my maid. Don't you think..." She trailed off

"I can hardly be compared with Beyonce" I mutter

"it's hard to not say anything when the person working for me is someone my daughter loves and adores" Victoria spoke

"You have a daughter?!" I exclaim in shock

"Had. Past tense. I had to give her up. Her father is... Strict" she replied sadly "But I get to see her during the holidays. She's 6 now"

"That's awful. What did Roman do about it?" I ask

"I told him to stay out of it" She replied "Enough about me! I dont want you wasting years out of your life anymore. Go back to acting please. Or modeling or both"

"Victoria, are you saying what I think you're saying?" I ask slowly

"Yes, you're fired"


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