Chapter 3: Escape. Again.

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The soldiers stare at you and Jesse. You cover your face with your sweater. One of the soldiers points at Jesse. "You. Stand up. You're coming with us."
Jesse slowly rises out of his seat and turns around to face the armed men. You see him look at you out of the corner of his eye, with an apologetic look. You stay turned around. A soldier points his gun at you and says, "Miss, do you know this man?"
Still facing the counter, eyeing one of Jesse's flash bangs, you reply, "Just met him."
"Well, we're going to have to take you in too."
You've never been this close to being taken in. You snicker to hide your fear. "Not today." You quickly grab a flash bang from Jesse's belt and throw it at the soldiers before they can react. The soldiers become disoriented. You stand up, down the rest of your beer, grab Jesse's hand, and run like hell past the soldiers. You reach into your sweater and unsheath your bra knife.
Jesse stares at you. "You could've just asked to use one," he shouts. You shrug.
"It was the first thing I thought of." You whip your head around to see two of the three soldiers chasing after you two.
Jesse looks at you. "Where the hell are we going--"
"Shut up and leg it!" You interrupt him and you pick up speed. Recognizing the street you're on, you turn the corner and start running into an alleyway, far ahead of the soldiers. You come to a halt, looking up at the brick wall in front of you. You dart your eyes around for an exit. Finally, you look up and see a fire escape, just out of your reach.
"Jesse, give me a boost," you exclaim. Jesse picks you up, making you glad you wore pants instead of a skirt. You reach up and grab onto the ladder and start to climb up as fast as you can, being very fast due to your experience of climbing up buildings to shoot. You reach the roof and lower the ladder so Jesse can climb up, too. You gesture to a window and wait for him to get closer. Once Jesse gets close enough, you dive into the open window, Jesse following behind you. While you're safely on the floor of your apartment, the comfort quickly dies when Jesse accidentally lands on top of your back and pins you down. You see realization hit him and his face heats up.
"I'm sorry!" He starts to get flustered.
You ease the mood when you start to laugh as your cheeks turn pink. "It's fine, Jesse. You didn't hurt me. Though... I can't really breathe." Jesse gets off of you and you sit up. Panic sets in when you see the fire escape ladder start to rattle. You stand up off of the floor and rummage through your luggage until you find a long, black case, containing Clover and a few extra mods. You open it and take Clover out of the case and put a silencer on her. Just in case. You run to the window, point Clover down at the soldiers, peer through the scope, and pull the trigger twice. One clean, silent shot to each of their heads. A small smile forms on your lips. You turn around to look at Jesse.
He's staring at you in shock and fascination. All he can say is, "Nice shot." You snicker and thank him. He seems really interested in your shooting ability. "Where'd ya learn to sharpshoot like that?"
"I taught myself. Through practice."
"I don't believe that."
"It's true. You start when you're wee, and by the time you're eighteen you can shoot with no trouble."
"When did ya start shootin'?"
That causes you to think. "Hmm... good question. I think I was... eight when I first picked up a gun."
Jesse looks shocked. "Eight!? Jesus, you were a badass kid! I would want you as my friend any day," he laughs. You feel your heart skip a beat. You never had friends as a kid. You didn't even go to school. And someone wants to be your friend. Not a client. An actual friend. You start to blush. Jesse looks at your face.
"{Y/N}, ya okay? You're burnin' up," he says as he puts his hand on your cheek. You flinch slightly.
"Aye. I'm fine," you say as Jesse takes his hand off your cheek. "Anyway, why don't you stay the night? Those soldiers are probably still looking for you."
Jesse nods as he takes a seat on the faded couch.
"Good idea. I'll sleep on the couch, if ya don't mind."
"I don't care at all," you smile. "Just be warned, I've lived alone for my whole life so I'm not really used to... coexisting."

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