Chapter 9: Unfinished Business

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You feel something move in bed next to you and arms wrapped around your torso. You go to reach for Clover out of panic, who is on the floor next to the bed, only to freeze once you open your eyes and see your boyfriend sound asleep behind you. Heaving a sigh of relief that you aren't in danger, you ease your body and melt into Jesse's arms. You look down at Clover.
"Hey, sorry I haven't been using you all that often, lass," you mutter to Clover, "things have been a lot different since Jesse came into our lives. But don't worry. I'm going to use you tonight. You're not forgotten--"
"Mmh... babe... who're ya talkin' to...?" Jesse pulls you closer to him.
Your face feels like it's on fire. "Um... no one." You say.
Jesse kisses your cheek with a quiet "mornin'" and sits up.
"Y'know... I don't know that much about ya, {Y/N}," he says. You sit up as well.
"So are you asking if we can have a Q&A?" You ask.
Jesse smiles. "Yeah. Somethin' like that." You nod, preparing to lie a little. Jesse thinks for a second.
"Alright... what's your favorite color?"
"Scorpio, I guess. I celebrate my birthday on Halloween because I don't know my actual birthday."
"Mom's name?"
"Mom {L/N}. I never knew her first name."
"Any pets?"
"I had a pet rat once. His name was Biggie Cheese. He ran away. I think. But I've always wanted a dog."
"Born in Athlone, but Dublin was my home before I moved here."
"First job?"
"Nurse. I work the night shift at the local hospital. That's why I moved here."
"Any siblings?"
"Not that I know of."
"First kiss?"
"Any other weird facts about ya?"
You think for a second. "Well, I have insane reflexes, amazing hand-eye coordination, I can run extremely fast, my IQ is pretty high, and I'm self taught on piano."
Jesse looks at you with wide eyes. "Piano? Ya said ya lived on the streets," he says.
"Yeah. I used to play on this old, out-of-tune piano by a dumpster. Got a few euros out of it, but really only enough for lunch." You lean back. "Haven't touched a piano since I was ten. I want to pick it up again, but I just can't commit," you ramble for a bit.
Jesse puts his arm around you. "I hear ya. I always wanted to pick up a violin. Could never afford it, though," Jesse says, looking up at a cobweb in a corner, seemingly distracted. "Hey, speakin' of which, your birthday's comin' up! Got anythin' in mind?" Jesse asks.
You smile at him. "You don't have to do anything! You being here is enough!" You say, knowing he's going to get you something anyway. Jesse chuckles, calling you things like sweet and pure. Knowing him, he's still going to get you something no matter what you tell him.
"I have work tonight, by the way," you tell Jesse. He pouts.
"Aw... I'm gonna miss ya..." he whines, laying his cheek on your shoulder. You chuckle and kiss his forehead.
"I'll miss you too," you say as you get out of bed.

The day goes by as usual. Jesse makes you food all day.
"If we get married," you tell him, filling your mouth with homemade pizza, "I don't think I'll ever get tired of your cooking."
Jesse looks surprised, causing you to panic.
"N-not to be sudden, or anything!" You reassure him. He smiles and hugs you. You finish your dinner and go to the bedroom to get ready for "work." You close and lock the door, then you begin dismantling Clover so you can fit her in a small briefcase. You put on your little black dress, wrapping yourself in a beige trench coat to hide your uniform. To conceal yourself even more, you hide your hair in a beige fedora. You walk out of your room, stuffing a handful of bullets in your pocket. You give Jesse a kiss goodbye and head out, taking out your phone and calling Blue. It takes a while for him to pick up, but he answers.
"Yeah?" Blue says, his exhaustion audible.
"Hey. Sorry about the delay on the job. I'm headed over to the office now." You say to him.
"Great, great." Blue yawns.
You start to feel sorry for waking him up. "Didn't mean to disturb your sleep."
"No, I wasn't sleeping."
"Well, maybe you should." You chuckle.
"You may be right." He pauses. "Listen... I need to tell you something." Blue's voice gets serious for a second. A cause for concern.
"Sure, Blue. You can talk to me."
"I've been feeling a little... depressed... in the past few months."
Your heart drops. "Damn... I'm sorry, Blue. But remember, things always get better," you say, attempting to cheer him up a little.
Blue's voice gains a bit of a happier tone. "And things do get better. I met someone."
"Met someone? Wait, you don't mean you--"
"That's exactly what I mean. I met a guy named Ross."
You stop. "Wait... a guy? You're gay!?"
Blue laughs. "Yeah, I'm gay! I didn't tell you?"
"No, you didn't! Regardless, I'm so happy for you! What's he look like?"
"He has really soft looking red hair. Like natural, ginger hair. Not dyed. And these stunning emerald green eyes. Glasses, too. And freckles all over his cheeks." Blue starts to swoon a little. You can tell in his voice.
"Stay focused, lover boy!" You tease. "Now how'd you two meet?"
"We met at a library. I'm such a nerd, I know. But we reached for the same book; The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris. He's much taller than me, so he took the book off the shelf and gave it to me. We ended up sitting in beanbag chairs in the kids' section and reading it together. Now every day at 1:15 in the afternoon, we meet at the library, in the corner of the kids' section in the same blue and red beanbag chairs, with The Silence of the Lambs, and read one chapter every day.
"One day, after we finished our chapter, he asked if I wanted to have dinner with him. I said yes, and we went out that evening. After dinner, he said that he's really grown close to me from the past few weeks of reading together. He asked me if I liked boys. I said that I did, and he said he did too. Then he asked me if I wanted to be his boyfriend. He was all flustered about it and it was absolutely adorable, so I couldn't refuse. I told him I felt the same."
"Wow... that's probably the cutest thing I've heard all evening. Congrats! I can't wait to meet him! Do you think he could come with you to visit? It could be a double date!" You enthusiastically suggest.
"I'll have to ask him. I need to get some sleep, so I'll talk to you in a little while once your 'shift is over.'" Blue says.
"Got it, see ya!" You hang up and slide your phone in your pocket. You continue walking down the street, pulling your fedora over your face as you stride under the halos of the streetlights.
You make your way to the neighboring Town Hall. You think of multiple ways of getting the job done.
Go through the front door? What is this, amateur hour?
Go through the back window? There are armed guards. That's a death sentence.
The vent in the side of the hall? Sure, if you've memorized the entirety of the ventilation system map.
You're running out of ideas. Your eyes dart around for something to use.
The mayor, sitting next to an open window.
An apartment building a fair distance away.
A ladder leading up to the roof of the building.
You begin frantically climbing the building's ladder, hoping no one saw you during your time out in the open. When you reach the roof, you open your briefcase and assemble Clover. You peer through your scope and line up a shot. You suck in a breath and focus. Wait... wait...
The target's down. Your cue to leave. You frantically dismantle Clover and pack her parts in the case. You run to the other side of the roof and climb down the ladder on the opposite wall. You run away from the scene. When you're positive you're far enough away, you begin to slow down. You call Blue. He doesn't pick up. You try again. Still no response. You text him.

You: Hey, I did the thing.
Blue: Cool, thanks.
Blue: Sorry I couldn't get to your calls.
Blue: Ross came over for a midnight visit.
You: Cool cool. Tell him I say hi.
Blue: K.
Blue: He says hi.
Blue: Anyway, you care if I give you your payment when we see each other in person?
You: That's fine.
You: Alright, I'm gonna head back to my apartment. Night my dude.
Blue: Night.

You slip your phone back in your pocket and walk back to your apartment. You climb into the open window into the living room through the fire escape. Shedding your clothes and slipping into an oversized tee shirt sitting in the dryer, you slowly walk into the bedroom. Jesse is in bed, sound asleep. You giggle silently and slowly get into bed with Jesse, as to not wake him. You rest your head on your pillow and close your eyes, falling asleep almost instantly.



Wow, hey there readers! I'm sorry it's taken so long, I--

wait what

im sorry can you repeat that

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im sorry can you repeat that

im sorry can you repeat that

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well shite.

I'm really sorry. Things have been pretty hectic for the last few months. The third quarter of the school year has been my hardest yet. Middle school is a bitch. Well, I'm on spring break, so I'll write as much as I can. But I am working on other projects, including a new genre I'm testing out: Sci-Fi. I'm writing an original story about an Emotional Intelligence program learning to become human. I'm also writing an action/mystery novel about a cute loli who brutally murders her boyfriend. If you want to see these stories, leave a vote, follow me, and pander to my shameless self promotion. Haha, anyway, thanks for tolerating my bullshite. I really appreciate it. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

With love,

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